Home 2019 Elections Video: Hard-Right Barbara Comstock’s Even Harder-Right Teapublican Opponent – “She voted for...

Video: Hard-Right Barbara Comstock’s Even Harder-Right Teapublican Opponent – “She voted for more abortions, more gun control, and more illegals.”


I’m posting the following for two main reasons: 1) I think it’s very funny to see someone as hard right as Barbara Comstock (votes 97.1% with Trump — a higher percentage, by the way, than Dave Brat, Bob Goodlatte, Morgan Griffith, Tom Garrett and Rob Wittman!) attacked from someone (Teapublican Shak Hill) who’s even further to her right; and 2) I’d love to see Shak Hill defeat Barbara Comstock in the VA-10 GOP primary this June 12, even if it means not getting to watch Comstock’s political career end in crushing defeat this November.  With that…enjoy the following from Shak Hill! 🙂


I would have voted NO on the Omnibus bill unlike #BeltwayBarbara Comstock who voted YES. She voted for more abortions, more gun control, and more illegals. The bill has no funding for the wall, strips out the veterans provisions, strips out national conceal carry, it is a complete trainwreck. No Obamacare Repeal! There is ZERO chance Barbara will hold this seat in June or November. That is why we need a fighter, someone who is a strong conservative, who will fire up the base and turn out more people than the Democrats. We can keep this district RED, but only if you elect me, Shak Hill, on June 12th.

We need to raise $50,000 for our end of quarter deadline coming up on March 31st. Please contribute $25, $50, or $100 right now to help me raise what is needed to defeat #BeltwayBarbara. #VA10 #DrainTheSwamp


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