Home Energy and Environment Photos: The Results of Northam’s Bull**** “Promises” on “The Science,” Stringent Environmental...

Photos: The Results of Northam’s Bull**** “Promises” on “The Science,” Stringent Environmental Protection, Blah Blah Blah

"This is a paved state road, Cahas Mountain Road covered in sediment from tree clearing. Locals on the scene say the mud is 12” to 18” thick."


So much for Ralph Northam’s nonsense about stringent environmental standards, following “the science,” blah blah blah. Did anyone really ever believe him? If so, why?

First, check out “A growing list of Governor Northam’s broken promises,” which notes, correctly (bolding added by me for emphasis):

“Northam has continually broken his promises, and his word carries little value as a result. If he is to reclaim any credibility, the governor must, at the very least, immediately request a stay of construction for the pipelines until site-specific waterbody analysis is completed and legal challenges to the pipeline certifications have been decided.”

Now, see the results of Northam’s (and Paylor’s and Strickler’s and…) bull****.

Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League 1 hr

Photos from Franklin County, VA. This is a paved state road, Cahas Mountain Road covered in sediment from tree clearing. Locals on the scene say the mud is 12” to 18” thick. The road is closed. The nearby creek is running red. Governor of Virginia we told you and VADEQ you can’t hold the soils on our steep mountain slopes.
#NoMVP photos by Emily Beckner Guilliams

Image may contain: tree and outdoor
Image may contain: tree, sky, outdoor and nature
Image may contain: outdoor and nature

Thanks for the mess mvp 

Image may contain: outdoor and nature
Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature
Preserve Floyd 12 mins

***Call to ACTION***

May 18, 2018: This mudslide in Franklin County on Cahas Rd was caused by MVP construction and blocked traffic, rerouted school-buses and put the lives, land and water of Franklin County citizens at risk.

Call the Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam NOW
*** 804-786-2211 ***
and demand that he issue a STOP WORK order IMMEDIATELY.

Put it in your own words or feel free to quote whatever you wish from this script:

I am calling to demand that the MVP and ACP construction be halted immediately. The Governor has the power to issue a stop-work order and he must do so NOW. As demonstrated by the mudslides in Franklin County today, and countless other places along the MVP and ACP routes, there is no way that these fracked-gas pipelines can be constructed or operated without severe, irreparable damage to Virginia’s land, air, water and citizen’s safety. Please make sure that action is taken on this crucial issue TODAY.

Thank you.

Please report any additional evidence you find today (time-stamp and date your photos if possible!) to the Mountain Valley Watch (833-689-2824) and John McCutcheon,
DEQ Stormwater Compliance Manager (804) 527-5117

We also suggest you contact your local government officials and insist that they report this to the officials responsible (such as the DEQ, VDOT, etc) for monitoring and compliance.


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