Home Medicaid Video: Virginia State Senate Voting Now on Historic Medicaid Expansion

Video: Virginia State Senate Voting Now on Historic Medicaid Expansion [UPDATED: All Over But the Speechifying]


See below for key moments in today’s Virginia State Senate debate on expanding Medicaid in Virginia, ongoing right now.

First, here’s the Senate voting 22-18 (all Democrats, plus Republicans Hanger, Wagner and Chafin) to adopt Sen. Emmett Hanger’s floor amendment, which is the Medicaid expansion vehicle we are rooting for.

Next, see the vote (also 22-18 – all Dems, plus Republicans Hanger, Wagner and Chafin) to reject Majority Leader Tommy Norment’s set of anti-Medicaid-expansion amendments.

Debating work requirements…Senate: Amendment #1 by Senator Newman rejected, Chair Votes No (20-Y 20-N)

What on earth is Tommy Norment doing here? Accusing Frank Wagner of corruption?


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