Check out the following report by VB Dems Chair Carla Hesseltine; great work! I encourage every Democratic Committee Chair to emulate this and to show up at their (Republican) Congresscritter’s door and demand answers. 🙂
I’m personally blocked on one of Rep. Scott Taylor’s FB Page and it appears there isn’t a way to start a new post or send a message on the other. I tweeted as I’m not blocked there, yet. Our nominee has made a statement regarding the Trump/Taylor choice to place children in internment camps. Where is Taylor’s statement? After his comment yesterday, on Father’s Day, about the joys of fatherhood it seems even more heartless that he is falling in line on this national tragedy. Silence is complicity.
Our nominee HAS issued a statement. I ask again – Where is Rep. Taylor’s? I heard our nominee, Elaine Luria for Congress, speak this weekend and her words resonate – “Be good and do good work”. I know she will. #familiesbelongtogether
So I decided to visit and ask for myself. I introduced myself and offered that I am a constituent and the Chair of the VBDEMS. His very nice front staff said that “He’s looking into it and has not made a statement” I explained that one of his constituents and member was under the impression he had. She said “No”. I asked if he would be making a statement and asked her to email me if does. I gave her the VBDEMS business card with my name and email. I’ll follow up daily. #leaderslead