Home 2019 Elections Video: VA 5th CD GOP Nominee Denver Riggleman Dodges When Asked If...

Video: VA 5th CD GOP Nominee Denver Riggleman Dodges When Asked If He’ll Support/Campaign for Neo-Confederate Corey Stewart


From the Leslie Cockburn for Congress campaign:


RAPPAHANNOCK, VA–Yesterday, a video was released of Denver Riggleman, Republican nominee for Congress in Virginia’s 5th district, dodging a simple question: if he is going to campaign with the Republican nominee for Senate in Virginia, Corey Stewart. When asked if he would campaign with Stewart, Riggleman says in the video that, “it depends,” before rushing away.

“Riggleman’s refusal to answer the question demonstrates both the confusion in the Republican Party and Riggleman’s inability to take a stand,” said Leslie Cockburn. She added, “Since he did not specify what his decision would depend on, one has to wonder what will it take for Riggleman to give a straight answer.”

Recent reports show that Stewart strongly endorsed white nationalist Paul Nehlen long after his views were known. Stewart also met with Jason Kessler, the organizer of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last year.


“Denouncing Corey Stewart should be a no-brainer, especially after he supported Paul Nehlen and Roy Moore,” said Louise Bruce, Campaign Manager of Leslie Cockburn for Congress. “However, it appears that Denver would rather punt the Corey Stewart question until his Washington-based consultants figure out the correct response for him to give the people of our district”


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