Home Energy and Environment Video: Will Underwater Constituents Finally Wake Up Scott Taylor?

Video: Will Underwater Constituents Finally Wake Up Scott Taylor?

314 Action Releases Digital Ad Calling Out Taylor on Climate Votes


Check out the following from 314 Action. In short, Rep. Scott Taylor (R-VA02) is a climate science denier and ignoramus. But I repeat myself. Therefore, Virginia 2nd Congressional District voters should boot Taylor’s clueless ass into the Atlantic Ocean (figuratively, of course) on November 6, 2018.

Will Underwater Constituents Finally Wake Up Scott Taylor?

314 Action Releases Digital Ad Calling Out Taylor on Climate Votes

(Washington, D.C.) — Following reports that a large number of homes in the Second Congressional District would be underwater due to climate change by 2030, 314 Action is taking Rep. Scott Taylor to the mat for his lack of action on the issue.

Thousands  of homes in Accomack County and the Hampton Roads region will suffer chronic flooding  30 years from now–the lifespan of a typical mortgage–based on current projections for sea level rise largely due to climate change, resulting in millions of dollars lost and thousands of people displaced.

Unfortunately for these Virginians, their Representative doesn’t want to address the issue.

In a new video released today, 314 Action calls Rep.Taylor’s past votes and his  doubts that man-made pollution contributes to climate change, summed up by a a statement made when asked what he would do about climate change: “Let’s be civil, man. Let’s not be rude…There are the questions about what man can do about it.”

Watch the Video:

The answer for Taylor, it seems, is nothing.

Of course, Taylor is no stranger to taking wishy-washy stances when it comes to science issues. He flip-flopped on offshore drilling, supporting it in 2010 and then claiming he was “neutral” in 2016.


314 Action is the largest and only resource specifically created for scientists and STEM professionals seeking assistance running for office. 314 Action was founded by members of the STEM community, grassroots supporters and political activists. Formed in July 2016, 314 Action has over 400,000 active members and donors across the United States. 314 Action is concerned that STEM education in the United States is falling further and further behind the rest of the world, that our political leaders continue to deny scientific facts and that Congress fails to fully fund scientific research so we can solve pressing issues. For more information, visit 314action.org



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