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Video: Republican Who Spent Years Demonizing Dems Now Claims to Be About “Building Consensus & Bringing Democrats and Republicans Together”

John Whitbeck must really think that Loudoun County voters are idiots.


Just remember, as you watch the following video announcing right-wing Republican John Whitbeck’s campaign for Loudoun County Board Chair by talking about “building consensus and bringing Democrats and Republicans together,” that this is a guy who has said things like:

  • “….the extreme left is now in charge of Virginia’s Democrat party. Democrats like Ralph Northam, Tim Kaine, and Mark Herring have made it clear that there’s no room for any dissent from the far-left, Sanders-Perriello line”
  • “For Virginia Democrats, moderation is truly an unacceptable vice.”
  • “The Republican Party of Virginia, the Republican National Committee, and the Trump campaign are part of one team.”
  • “Why would we let media who hate us have access to @POTUS? “Time to take a stand.”
  • “[I] did not tell an anti-Semitic joke. I told a joke I heard from a priest at a church service.
  • “Freedom loving patriot or anti-Semite. Your choices in
  • “Fact: In the last few days Democrats have spent more time defending MS-13 and a porn star then American workers.”
  • “Are we going to allow them to elect Ralph Northam, who will do nothing to prevent radical groups from coming in and terrorizing our cities and university campuses?”
  • “Ralph Northam is beholden to groups like Antifa – not regular Virginians.”
  • “Democrats have long since conceded the point that their efforts at gun control have no connection to actual crimes.”
  • “President Trump’s executive decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord is in the best interest of our taxpayers and delivers on his promise to put America first. “
  •  “What began as a simple Race to the Left has turned into an all-out Civil War in the Democrat Party of Virginia.”
  • “Ralph Northam and Tom Perriello apparently think the laws of supply and demand have been repealed. That’s the only way their far-left wing proposal to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour make sense economically.”
  • “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen so many leftist narratives blow up at one time. Despite media leaks to the contrary, President Trump was never under investigation. Despite media leaks to the contrary, President Trump’s campaign was never found to be colluding with Russia.”

This could go on all day and night, but you get the idea: throughout his illustrious career as Trump apologist/sycophant, demonizer of Democrats/progressives/liberals/environmentalists/etc., and all-around divisive figure, John Whitbeck has been about anything BUT “building consensus and bringing Democrats and Republicans together.” Yet now that he’s running for chair of an increasingly “blue” county, Whitbeck is dishonestly trying to reinvent himself, hoping that Loudoun County voters will forget who and what he’s really stood for. Fortunately, Loudoun County voters are going to prove this November that they’re a LOT smarter than John Whitbeck believes them to be.


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