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New Poll Looks at Voter Attitudes on Immigration, Other Issues in Fairfax County

Fairfax County voters are overwhelmingly pro-immigrant, although massive partisan differences exist. Overall, Fairfax County Dems are VERY happy with the direction the county is headed in.


Click here for a new poll looking at “voter attitudes on immigration” – and other issues – in Fairfax County, the largest jurisdiction in Virginia, with 1.2 million residents. Here are some top-line results that caught my eye:

  • By a 65%-25% margin, Fairfax County voters believe that “things in Fairfax today are generally headed in the right direction.”  The comparable numbers for “things in the Commonwealth of Virginia” are 56%-28%.
  • A whopping 80% of Fairfax Democrats see things in the county as “generally headed in the right direction,” while only 43% of Fairfax Republicans agree with that sentiment.
  • By magisterial district, people in Providence District are the most satisfied (71%-22%) with how things are going in the county, while people Springfield (57%-29%) and Braddock (58%-34%) are the least satisfied.
  • Among racial and ethnic groups, 77% of African Americans believe “things in Fairfax today are generally headed in the right direction,” compared to 68% of Asian/Pacific Islanders, 66% of whites and 52% of “Other.”
  • By age group, the most satisfied Fairfax County voters appear to be those in the 35-54 range (71%-20%), while those in the 18-34 range (57%-31%) are the least satisfied with how things are going.
  • In terms of which issues are important to Fairfax County voters, 89% say “schools and education”; 87% say “transportation”; 86% say “affordable healthcare”; 86% say “economic development and job creation”; 80% say “the environment”; and 72% say “immigration.”
  • There are some stark partisan differences on issue salience. For instance, on the environment, 96% of Dems see it as important vs. just 63% of Republicans (and 55% of conservatives). On affordable healthcare, 96% of Dems see that as important vs. 79% of Republicans.
  • Focusing in on immigration, Fairfax County voters support (by a 63%-37% margin) “Fairfax County funding legal representation for county residents facing deportation.” Also, by a 51%-33% margin, respondents say they would be more likely “to vote for a Fairfax County Supervisor if he or she supported funding legal representation for county residents facing deportation.”
  • By a 69%-31% margin, county voters support “Fairfax County funding outreach services, including ‘know your rights’ trainings and deportation defense classes, to help county residents avoid deportation.” On this question, 91% of Dems want Fairfax county to fund outreach services, compared to just 40% of Republicans.
  • Should Fairfax County “stay out of federal immigration enforcement by not turning county residents over to the federal government for deportation?” 68% say that is important, and by a 55%-30% margin they say it would make them more “likely to vote for a Fairfax County Supervisor if he or she supported local policies that kept Fairfax County out of federal immigration enforcement.”
  • By a 78%-22% margin, respondents support “Fairfax County funding worker centers” where “local businesses, employers, and contractors can connect with local residents and offer them short-term labor opportunities or services.” 93% of Dems support funding worker centers vs. just 58% of Republicans.
  • By a massive 86%-14% margin, Fairfax County residents believe that “Immigrants positively contribute to American society and culture” as opposed to the (xenophobic, Trumpian) view that they “threaten traditionally American values and culture.” Dems are at 96%-4% on this one, while Republicans are at 69%-31%.
  • By a 71%-29% margin, Fairfax County residents agree that “Undocumented immigrants should be given a path to citizenship if they meet certain requirements, such as having a clean criminal record and paying taxes.” 91% of Dems hold that position, while 57% of Republicans believe that “If people are here in the country illegally, they should be deported.”
  • By a 63%-37% margin, Fairfax County residents believe that “elected officials in Fairfax County should do all that they can to ensure that workers earn enough wages so that they can support their families.” There’s another, massive, partisan difference on this one, with 91% of Dems agreeing with that statement, compared to just 36% of Republicans.
  • 71% of Fairfax County residents say they follow national politics “a lot” or “a great deal,” compared to just 44% who say the same about local politics.

P.S. Also check out the following video from CASA on funding legal representation for detained immigrants…


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