Home Energy and Environment Video, Photos From “Green New Deal Virginia” Forum Yesterday

Video, Photos From “Green New Deal Virginia” Forum Yesterday

Yes, this is doable. No, it won't cause "power outages." And yes, we need to get moving on this immediately!


See below for some photos and video from yesterday’s “Green New Deal Virginia” forum in McLean, Virginia with folks like Del. Sam Rasoul, Del. Elizabeth Guznan, Prince William County Board (Occoquan District) candidate Kenny Boddye, Fairfax County School Board candidate Karl Frisch, Virginia Sierra Club leader Ivy Main, Fairfax County Board Chair candidate Alicia Plerhoples, etc. And no, Senate Minority Leader Dick Saslaw is not right – in fact, he’s wildly, insanely wrong! – when he parrots fossil fuel industry propaganda that moving to 100% non-polluting energy supposedly isn’t feasible (note: it absolutely is), or supposedly that it will cause power outages (note: it absolutely will not), etc. In fact, this transition to 100% non-greenhouse-gas-emitting energy is exactly what’s underway in an increasing number of states and countries, as the cost of clean energy  and energy storage PLUMMETS, and as the technology improves by leaps and bounds. In the end, switching to 100% non-greenhouse-gas-emitting sources of energy, plus of course a massive push for energy efficiency (can we say “net-zero buildings?”) and electrification of everything, will result in enormous environmental AND economic advantages for our state and our country.

For starters, consider that “cleantech” is an already-huge, burgeoning industry that represents a multi-TRILLION-dollar opportunity for the 21st century. The individuals, businesses, states and countries which grab that opportunity will reap the rewards. The others, including Virginia so far, which dig in their heels and insist on sticking to the old, outmoded, toxic energy model will lose out. Big time.

With that, here are some photos and videos from yesterday’s fact-and-reality-based discussion, unlike the laughable/absurd scare tactics and idiocy spewed out by Dominion Energy, the fossil fuel industry, crazies like the Heartland Institute, and their “useful/bought-and-paid-for idiots” in the political class.


From Fairfax County School Board (Providence District) candidate Karl Frisch

Very much enjoyed discussing the Green New Deal tonight with members of VA Democracy Forward – VADF. Talked about how important it is for every level of government to tackle climate change and what I’ll do to green our schools on the Fairfax County School Board.

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From Ali Symons:

Green New Deal VA Delegate Elizabeth Guzman Ivy Main VA Democracy Forward – VADF Sierra Club Virginia Chapter Delegate Sam Rasoul

From Vicki Short Moffitt:

Thank you Virginia Democracy Forward for hosting the Green New Deal Virginia Overview this evening. Delegates Sam Rasoul and Elizabeth Guzman led the conversation along with Ivy Main, Kenny Boddye and many other candidates running in local races in NoVa and committed to the GND VA. One of the highlights for me is seeing young people getting involved, including Andrew Perrow with NextGen, who attended elementary school with my kids. You must be very proud Beth Dalhagen Perrow! We need to put our planet first!

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Image may contain: 2 people, including Sam Rasoul, bedroom and indoor
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Image may contain: Kenny Allen Boddye, standing and indoor
Image may contain: 1 person, standing

From Alicia Plerhoples:

Tonight I announced my pledge to not accept any political contributions from real estate development companies in my campaign for Chairman of Fairfax County. It’s a conflict of interest for a candidate for Chairman to take developers’ money because the Board of Supervisors needs to tackle the affordable housing crisis in our community, protect our open space and parks, and be a leader in an adaptive green economy. I signed onto the #GreenNewDealVA to make sure sure that our county’s economic growth is both environmentally sustainable and equitable. VA Democracy Forward – VADF Delegate Elizabeth Guzman Delegate Sam Rasoul

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