Home Climate change Video: Virginia Student Environmental Coalition Confronts Dominion CEO Tom Farrell at University...

Video: Virginia Student Environmental Coalition Confronts Dominion CEO Tom Farrell at University of Richmond

Charge Farrell has "poisoned our waters...poisoned our air...exploit[ed] communities of color for profit."


From a few minutes ago at the University of Richmond…the Virginia Student Environmental Coalition (correctly) calls out Dominion CEO Tom Farrell for having “poisoned our waters…poisoned our air…exploit[ed] communities of color for profit.”

U of R invited Dominion CEO Tom Farrell to speak to their business school.

We know that Farrell and Dominion profit from the destruction of our earth and displacement of marginalized communities.

From Navy Hill to Union Hill We’re here to say no to Farrell’s poisonous profit.

No coliseum no pipelines! People’s lives are on the line.


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