Home 2019 Elections VA Del. Chris Peace (R-HD97): “further litigation of this contest does not...

VA Del. Chris Peace (R-HD97): “further litigation of this contest does not serve the best interests of the district”


Del. Chris Peace throws in the towel in HD97, which unfortunately is a 65%(!) Corey Stewart district, so about as deep-“red” as you can get. Ugh.

Personal Statement of Delegate Christopher K. Peace on the 97th District Nominating Contest

“Serving the people of our community to the best of my ability has been the greatest professional honor of my life. I grew up in Hanover and from the earliest age was taught that service is a calling. My commitment to this principle has never wavered.

Multiple generations of my family have contributed to the welfare of others whether through medicine or public health, the military, or law and elected office. I am proud to have followed in these footsteps. My heroes taught me to whom much is given much is expected. I am extremely proud of what I have accomplished for the people of our district as a member of the House of Delegates. However, I didn’t do the good work alone.

My wife, Ashley, and our children sacrificed many days and nights without me in order to support my vision of a more compassionate conservatism. My Chief of Staff Julie Coggsdale has tirelessly served our constituents for over a decade. She leaves big shoes to fill, and as a resident of our district, she deserves a huge hug and thank you. Unquestionably, we leave this race and our corner of the world a bit brighter than we found it.

To all #Peacekeepers, our devoted supporters, please accept my thanks for your sacrifice of time and treasure. We fought together to do the right thing for the right reasons. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you. My family and I are grateful for your steadfast devotion. We will never forget your kindness and generosity, and you will always be in our affections.

While our District has witnessed one of the most heated contests in the modern history of the General Assembly, it is time for our part of Virginia to heal and voters to focus on November.

I have evaluated my options and have concluded that further litigation of this contest does not serve the best interests of the district. The devotion we’ve received from family, friends and supporters is unparalleled; however, it does not necessitate the continuance of this race.

Scott Wyatt was selected as the Republican nominee. He will help Republicans hold the majority and continue to promote common sense policies that make our Commonwealth the best place to live, work and raise a family.

This week please enjoy a Happy Independence Day with your loved ones, and in so doing, I ask that you give God thanks for the blessings that we enjoy in this great Nation. Always promote the common good no matter the personal cost, and keep faith in knowing that as Americans what unites us is greater than what may divide us.

Respectfully submitted as a devoted Virginian,

Christopher K. Peace”

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