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Video: In New TV Ad, Environmental Groups Say “It’s Time” for  Climate Action

"Advocates Call on Legislators to Pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act"


From the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN):

In New TV Ad, Environmental Groups Say “It’s Time” for
Climate Action

Advocates Call on Legislators to Pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act

RICHMOND, VA – As the 2020 General Assembly draws near a close, a trio of organizations are launching a new television ad calling for passage of sweeping climate and clean energy legislation. In the ad, “It’s Time,” the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, CCAN Action Fund, and Sierra Club Virginia Chapter call on legislators to pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act.

Sponsored by Delegate Rip Sullivan and Senator Jennifer McClellan, the Virginia Clean Economy Act would put the Commonwealth on a path to receive 100% of its power from clean sources and eliminate all pollution from public utilities by 2045. The bill would also help ratepayers reduce their power bills, by making massive investments in energy efficiency and paving the way to more rooftop and shared solar energy.

The House of Delegates and Senate have each passed versions of this historic legislation, and now the patrons, the Northam Administration, and stakeholders must reconcile the two bills and pass a final version through both chambers by the end of the General Assembly on March 7.

Michael Town, executive director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters said: “There is widespread support for serious climate action in Virginia and the General Assembly is running out of time to deliver the results voters demanded in November. We call on the legislature to pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act and begin the Commonwealth’s transition to a carbon-free future.”

Harrison Wallace, Virginia Director of the CCAN Action Fund, stated: “With just days left in session, we want the entire Commonwealth to know how important it is to pass bold climate action this year. The Virginia Clean Economy Act is the best first step on climate any state has ever taken. Let’s get it done.”

Tim Cywinski, spokesperson for the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter, said, “If the Virginia Democrats want to prove they are worthy of the majority, they’ll take strong climate action by passing the strongest possible version of the Clean Economy Act.”

You can view the ad here. It begins running in the Richmond media market today and will run through the end of the General Assembly. The ad spend is part of a substantial overall investment in support of the Virginia Clean Economy Act.


You don’t have to look very hard. Climate change is real. It’s happening right here in Virginia. Virginians know we can’t afford to wait. Their message to lawmakers is loud and clear: it’s time – time for clean energy. Time to stop burning coal and gas, and eliminate utility pollution. It’s time because if we don’t do something now, our children will pay the price. Tell your legislators it’s time for action. It’s time to pass the Virginia Clean Economy Act.



The CCAN Action Fund is the advocacy arm of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, the oldest and largest grassroots organization dedicated exclusively to raising awareness about the impacts and solutions associated with global warming in the Chesapeake Bay region. For 17 years, CCAN has been at the center of the fight for clean energy and wise climate policy in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

For more information, visit www.ccanactionfund.org


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