Home Donald Trump Trump’s Broken Promises to Protect Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions in Virginia

Trump’s Broken Promises to Protect Coverage for Pre-Existing Conditions in Virginia


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

Trump’s broken promises to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions in Virginia

RICHMOND, VA — On April 30, 2017, President Trump assured the country that his healthcare plan included coverage for pre-existing conditions and would lower premiums. “Pre-existing conditions are in the bill. And I mandate it. I said has to be. So, we have — we’re going to have lower premiums,” he said.

This was never true.

The reality is that here in Virginia, an estimated 3,580,300 people with pre-existing conditions could be denied coverage if Trump is successful in his plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, Trump refuses to open a special ACA enrollment period to give people health care during this pandemic. If Republicans succeed in their lawsuit to overturn the ACA, as many as 133 million Americans with preexisting conditions could be denied coverage or charged higher rates based on pre-existing conditions like pregnancy, lupus, or cancer.

Virginia Democrats have stepped in to ensure these protections stay in place. From preventing discimination in health care availability and costs based on gender-identity or transgender status, to eliminating junk short-term plans that do disciminate based on pre-existing conditions, Democrats in the Commonwealth have stepped up to protect the public health. As part of the effort to protect the ACA, Attorney General Mark Herring has joined a lawsuit to fight the Trump administration’s effort to repeal the law.

“Attempting to deny coverage to the over three million Virginians with pre-existing conditions is reprehensible. Even in the middle of a global pandemic, the Trump administration continues to push an agenda to overturn the Affordable Care Act and deny affordable coverage to families across the Commonwealth. His plan tries to undo the legislation we’ve passed, and voters will not tolerate this come November,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Press Secretary Carson Brown.


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