Home COVID-19 Wednesday (4/8) Virginia Data on COVID-19 Finds +312 Cases (to 3,645), +52...

Wednesday (4/8) Virginia Data on COVID-19 Finds +312 Cases (to 3,645), +52 Hospitalizations (to 615), +12 Deaths (to 75) From Yesterday

Growth rates in confirmed cases, hospitalizations at lowest points in weeks


See below for graphics of the newly posted COVID-19 numbers by the Virginia Department of Health. So, at this point (4/8), in Virginia we’re at 3,645 total reported cases, 615 hospitalizations and 75 deaths from COVID-19. The number of reported cases went up 312 (+9%) in the latest statistics, which is a slower rate of increase than the day before, when reported cases were up 455 (+16%). It was also tied for the slowest growth rate since early March. As for hospitalizations, they went up 52 (+9%), from 563 to 615, which is a slightly slower rate of increase than the previous day (which was up 66, or +15%), and also the slowest rate of growth since March 20. Deaths are reported up 12 (from 63 to 75), compared to an increase of 9 (from 54 to 63) the previous day. So…bad news on the deaths, but good news on the rates of growth in confirmed cases and hospitalizations, both of which seem to have slowed. Hopefully, this curve will continue to “flatten out” in coming days/weeks if we keep up the social distancing and other measures. Also, of course, we need a LOT more testing capacity, PPE, etc.




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