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Video: Trump, Who’s Massively Unopular in Virginia, Attacks the Far-More-Popular Governor Northam as “Crazy”

Northam responds: "As the only medical doctor among our nation's governors, I suggest you stop taking hydroxychloroquine"


You’d think that someone who is FAR less popular in Virginia than the state’s governor, Ralph Northam; who has a pathetically bad net approval rating (36%-54%); and who’s getting crushed by Joe Biden (51%-39%) to boot; might be smart enough not to attack Gov. Northam, but…nope, we’re not talking about someone who’s smart here. Check it out, from a few minutes ago:

“I’ll be there, we’re going after Virginia with your crazy governor? We’re going after Virginia. They want to take your Second Amendment away, you know that, right? You’ll have nobody guarding your potatoes.”

Utter idiocy, of course, as Trump has zero chance of winning Virginia this November. Z-E-R-O. For his part, Gov. Northam fired back at the man he correctly called a “narcissistic maniac” back in the 2017 gubernatorial campaign:

“I grew up on a Virginia farm, Mr. President – our potatoes are fine. And as the only medical doctor among our nation’s governors, I suggest you stop taking hydroxychloroquine. Let’s all get back to work.”

Haha, how about *them* potatoes, “President” Trump? LOL



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