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Congresswoman Elaine Luria Votes for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, Scott Taylor Voted to Take Away Your Health Care 


From Rep. Elaine Luria’s campaign:

Congresswoman Elaine Luria Votes for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act, Scott Taylor Voted to Take Away Your Health Care 

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA  – Yesterday evening, Congresswoman Elaine Luria released the following statement on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 1425):  

“The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act will expand access to quality healthcare, lower out-of-pocket costs of prescription drugs, combat racial disparities in health care, and crack down on discriminatory practices against those with pre-existing conditions,” said Congresswoman Elaine Luria. “Meanwhile, when Scott Taylor was in Congress he voted to take away healthcare from 45,000 Coastal Virginians. Had Taylor and Washington Republicans succeeded, an additional 400,000 Virginians would have never gained access to affordable, quality healthcare for these unprecedented times.” 

Scott Taylor called the Affordable Care Act the “biggest taxing scheme in the history of our nation” and while in Congress voted to repeal the law numerous times. In fact, Taylor expressed his disappointment when the attempt to repeal the ACA failed and was proud to actively fight to gut protections for Virginians with pre-existing conditions. If Taylor’s repeal efforts had been successful, 642,000 Virginians would have lost access to healthcare during the pandemic. 

And last week, Washington Republicans continued their assault on health care, asking the Supreme Court to dismantle the law in spite of an ongoing COVID-19 pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 120,000 Americans. There’s little doubt that if he were in Congress today, Scott Taylor would be supportive of these efforts as well.

Coastal Virginians know that their health care is on the line and with so much at stake they cannot afford to support Scott Taylor.  

Congresswoman Elaine Luria represents Virginia’s Second Congressional District, which includes all of Accomack and Northampton Counties, the cities of Virginia Beach and Williamsburg, as well as portions of Norfolk City, Hampton, and York and James City Counties. Congresswoman Luria was recently named one of the most effective members of Congress by a 2019 GovTrack Report Card, passing the third most laws of any Representative in the U.S House. In 2018, Elaine Luria flipped VA-02 from a Republican incumbent and is a current Frontline incumbent.


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