Home Democratic Party Schedule of Virginia Democrats’ Virtual State Convention This Weekend Includes Speech by...

Schedule of Virginia Democrats’ Virtual State Convention This Weekend Includes Speech by 2020 Presidential Nominee Joe Biden; Also Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, etc.


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:


Advisory: Virginia Democrats to hold virtual state convention 

RICHMOND, VA – The Democratic Party of Virginia will convene its 2020 state convention virtually this week to formally choose delegates for the national convention later this year. The program will take place over three days and feature speakers from across the country as well as panels on key issues facing the party and country.

WHAT: DPVA State Convention 2020

WHEN: Friday June 19 – Sunday June 21


  • Vice President Joe Biden
  • Senator Bernie Sanders
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren
  • Senator Mark Warner
  • Senator Tim Kaine 
  • DNC Chair Tom Perez
  • Governor Ralph Northam
  • Governor Terry McAuliffe
  • Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger
  • Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton
  • Congresswoman Elaine Luria
  • Congressman Bobby Scott
  • Congressman Don McEachin
  • Congressman Gerry Connolly
  • Congressman Don Beyer
  • Attorney General Mark Herring
  • Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax
  • Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn
  • State Senator Mamie Locke 
  • State Senator Jennifer McClellan 
  • Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy



Friday, June 19
Start time: 5:00 PM 

Welcome remarks – Chairwoman Susan Swecker

Opening remarks – Governor Ralph Northam

Recognition of Juneteenth – VLBC Chair, Delegate Lamont Bagby

5:30 PM – Panel 1: Convention kickoff panel
Chairwoman Susan Swecker
1st Vice Chairwoman Gaylene Kanoyton
2nd Vice Chairman Marc Broklawski
DNC Member Frank Leone
DPVA Executive Director Andrew Whitley
6:00 PM – Panel 2: Virtual Campaigning
Governor Terry McAuliffe
Congressman Don Beyer
DNC Political Director Muthoni Wambu Kraal
6:45 PM – Panel 3: Leading the Blue Wave
Congresswoman Elaine Luria
Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger
Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton
Senator Tim Kaine State Director Keren Charles Dongo
7:30 PM – Panel 4: Criminal Justice Reform 
Congressman Bobby Scott
Attorney General Mark Herring
Majority Leader Charniele Herring
Delegate Jennifer Carroll Foy
Commonwealth’s Attorney Shannon Taylor
Saturday June 20
Start time: 10:00 AM 

Call to Order – Chairwoman Susan Swecker

Invocation – Rev. Michael Jones, Richmond City Council

Congressional District Roll Call

Opening Remarks – Chairwoman Susan Swecker

Remarks by: 
Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn
Senator Mark Warner
Vice President Joe Biden

Resolutions Committee Report – Resolutions Committee Chair Taikein Cooper

Remarks by:
DNC Chairman Tom Perez
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Senator Bernie Sanders
Zyahna Bryant

Explanation of Voting Procedure – DPVA Voter Protection Coordinator Ja’Scotta Jefferson

Closing Remarks – Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn

11:45 AM – Adjournment

Sunday, June 21
Start time: 1:00 PM 

Welcome Remarks – Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax

1:05 PM – Panel 5: The Impacts of COVID-19 in Virginia
Congressman Donald McEachin
State Senator Mamie Locke
State Senator Jennifer McClellan
1:50 PM – Panel 6: Voting Rights in Virginia
Congressman Gerry Connolly
Senator Creigh Deeds
Delegate Jay Jones
Delegate Cia Price
2:30 PM – Panel 7:  How to get involved with the Biden Campaign and DPVA
Chris Bolling
Fernando Mercado
Andrew Whitley
3:00 PM – Call to Action – Delegate Lashrecse Aird
Closing Remarks – Chairwoman Susan Swecker

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