Check out the following post, from an “admin” on the Chase for Governor 2021 (Virginia) Facebook page, responding to Chase attacking that page, claiming its “administrator’s wife is a Democrat who supported my Democratic opponent last year,” and that “political enemies who want to create confusion are luring my supporters to this page.” Note that Chase for Governor 2021 (Virginia) is a grassroots, conservative/Republican page, with the goal of “mov[ing] Virginia into 2021 supporting Republican nominees for Governor, Lt. Governor and Attorney General.” Anyway, Chase keeps attacking them, and the fight seems to be escalating. According to this response, posted last night:
- “Regardless of how anyone may feel concerning Chase’s politics this goes far beyond politics and is simply a matter of decency…the manner in which Chase has attacked private citizens in the last few months is beneath any sitting elected official.”
- “Chase joined this group early on and was 100% supportive for four months. Then in April of this year, Chase began making demands on the administrators and ramped those demands up after the 2020 General Assembly session concluded. These demands are all substantiated by texts and messages from Chase herself and or her staff. Administrators refused to comply with her demands. These demands ranged from removing individuals whom she determined were critical of her policies or questioned her views to demanding that her campaign staff run the group as administrators as well as placing donations links on the group and site page. Once administrators refused to comply, Chase publicly attempted to disparage administrators on her ‘official’ page calling the group that she helped grow ‘fake’. Chase did this four months ago and now this evening is attempting to do it again to deflect from her actions in Harrisonburg, Va on Sunday regarding her attempted intimidation of a young couple who own Vito’s Italian Kitchen. Everytime people question Chase for her actions it seems she goes on the offensive to attack private citizens in an attempt to draw peoples attention away from her and her actions.”
- “Chase’s efforts to smear and disparage fellow Republicans is simply a pure example of why it has been so difficult for the Republican Party of Virginia and alienating fellow Republicans that have dedicated countless hours to advance the Republican cause is simply misguided.”
- “Chase ironcially created a ‘transparency’ caucus yet never appears to like others holding her to account for her own actions. Chase has admitted and thank me for my support for her and did so personally in a text than later attempts to act as if she has no idea who I am am even though she is well aware we attended high school together in Chesterfield and lived in the same area of Bon Air.”
- etc, etc.
To all the friends new and old in this group I want to take a few minutes of your time to apologize to each and every one of you for the manner in which this group and its administrators and moderators have been disparaged by State Senator Amanda Freeman Chase.
I regret that friends I have made have fallen victim to attacks launch from those who simply do not know the facts.
Regardless of how anyone may feel concerning Chase’s politics this goes far beyond politics and is simply a matter of decency. I understand that politics is hardball however the manner in which Chase has attacked private citizens in the last few months is beneath any sitting elected official.
I plan to seek time on the Chris Saxman “Virginie Free” daily radio show to tell the real story behind the manner in which deception and misleading statements from both the State Senator and her campaign strategist in videos and official posts on facebook. These are “official” posts that cannot legally be removed from facebook according to the law. Senator Chase is free to use her personal account in any manner she pleases, however when she uses her “official” page the posts become permanent record.
In October of 2019, Senator Chase asked me in person concerning a Second Amendment facebook group that I created that quickly grew to over five thousand members. The goal was to advance the 2A Sanctuary Resolutions in counties throughout Virginia. Chase personally asked if a group could be created for her campaign similar to the group created for 2A. The election was less than a month away when Chase enlisted support not only from me but others. In fact, her staff routinely contacted me and others. Chase herself repeatedly texted me over the course of months enlisting my support. Chase would later claim to the Richmond Times Dispatch in April of this year that she had no knowledge of or contact with the founders of this group. This of course is not supported by the facts.
This group was formed after Chase won re-election. Chase informed individuals that she was considering running for Governor so the administrators contacted her staff and informed them that a facebook group could be formed to support Chase for Governor. This was in January a full month before Chase publicly declared to run. How could administrators of this group have known that Chase would announce her campaign the following month if Chase had not informed individuals this was her intent?
Chase joined this group early on and was 100% supportive for four months. Then in April of this year, Chase began making demands on the administrators and ramped those demands up after the 2020 General Assembly session concluded. These demands are all substantiated by texts and messages from Chase herself and or her staff.
Administrators refused to comply with her demands. These demands ranged from removing individuals whom she determined were critical of her policies or questioned her views to demanding that her campaign staff run the group as administrators as well as placing donations links on the group and site page. Once administrators refused to comply, Chase publicly attempted to disparage administrators on her “official” page calling the group that she helped grow “fake”. Chase did this four months ago and now this evening is attempting to do it again to deflect from her actions in Harrisonburg, Va on Sunday regarding her attempted intimidation of a young couple who own Vito’s Italian Kitchen. Everytime people question Chase for her actions it seems she goes on the offensive to attack private citizens in an attempt to draw peoples attention away from her and her actions.
This evening State Senator Amanda Chase made even further false claims and disparaged another individual claiming she was married to one of the administrators and was part of the Amanda Pohl campaign. Pohl was Chase’s 2019 Senate opponent. This of course is a complete fabrication. I encourage all of you to ask Chase for her evidence of such an assertion. Chase should produce any evidence to support her claim that an admin/moderators wife was a paid campaign staffer for Pohl.
I have witnessed along with many people in Chesterfield County over the years the manner in which Chase conducts business. In April she claimed to have no knowledge of any of this groups creators and did so think that they would never want to come out in public and defend themselves. Well that ends this evening.
This goes well beyond “politics” when you attack private citizens and seek to mischaracterize them in the public domain let alone dox their profiles resulting in harassing messages and giving out personal cell phone numbers for those willing to do that bidding.
This group is not a “fake” group nor has it ever been in truth. One of the moderators actually even ran for the Republican Nomination in the Virginia 4th Congressional District and others have worked in support of President Trump and other Republicans like Daniel Gade, Tina Ramirez, Ed Gillespie, Jill Vogel and countless others in Virginia.
It saddens me that Chase has resorted to this level of divisive politics given there is so much at stake in Virginia n 2021. Chase’s efforts to smear and disparage fellow Republicans is simply a pure example of why it has been so difficult for the Republican Party of Virginia and alienating fellow Republicans that have dedicated countless hours to advance the Republican cause is simply misguided.
I offer Chase the opportunity to recant her accusations or to provide such evidence to support her public claims. I also would encourage her to contact Amanda Pohl personally who will validate that Chase’s claims are unfounded.
To dismiss one assertion made by Chase regarding not knowing administrators of this group and never contacting them I simply leave this image for all of you to review. I am prepared to provide all the texts and contacts made by the campaign that will demonstrate that any claim that Chase or her staff had no knowledge of or contact with group founders is a complete fabrication.
This group was formed in good faith and with State Senator Chase participation form the outset. For her now to try and distance herself from that fact is disingenious.
Chase ironcially created a “transparency” caucus yet never appears to like others holding her to account for her own actions. Chase has admitted and thank me for my support for her and did so personally in a text than later attempts to act as if she has no idea who I am am even though she is well aware we attended high school together in Chesterfield and lived in the same area of Bon Air.
Everything in the end is all concerning “politics” it seems.
Chase appears to only respect a “fight”. I now shall go to see that she has it and let the voters decide at the end of the day why she is determined to continue to disparage fellow GOP supporters like she did Sheriff Karl Leonard in 2019 in Chesterfield.
Something needs to change friends, Is this the manner we hope our elected officials conduct themselves?
Good evening.