Home 2019 Elections VA Del. Danica Roem: “If you run for office, be honest with...

VA Del. Danica Roem: “If you run for office, be honest with yourself about why you’re doing it and who you’re doing it for.”


Check out the following “tweetstorm” by Virginia Del. Danica Roem; it’s well worth reading! A few key points include:

  • “There is no more important decision you make in office than who you choose to surround yourself with. They reflect your honesty with yourself: do you want people to tell you what you want to hear or what you need to hear?”  (note: bad leaders like Trump clearly do NOT do that, and the results can be disastrous, as in Trump’s case)
  • “Public servants care about listening to and serving their constituents when they have nothing to gain other than taking care of someone who needs help.” (In other words, it shouldn’t be all – or even mostly – about you, as with the Narcissist in Chief)
  • “Being a state legislator with a national profile has pros/cons. The best thing I can do with that profile is use it to serve the people who gave it to me: my constituents. That’s why I focus so much on fixing Route 28, feeding hungry kids, expanding Medicaid; it’s what they need.” (Great attitude and exactly the right approach to being a delegate!)
  • “If you run for office, be honest with yourself about why you’re doing it and who you’re doing it for. It’s not about you or your donors. It’s about that kid who’ll never know your name who can get to school on time, eat a full meal & have health care because you cared about them.” (Such a breath of fresh air, and very much the approach of Danica Roem’s friend Joe Biden, actually!)


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