Home 2020 Elections Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11): @GSAEmily “may be a federal employee, but she’s…no...

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11): @GSAEmily “may be a federal employee, but she’s…no public servant”

Connolly: @GSAEmily's a "Trump loyalist, through and through"


Good thread from Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA11) about GSA administrator Emily Murphy being a “Trump loyalist, through and through,” and not “some kind of unassuming, apolitical bureaucrat.” Rep. Connolly notes, “Admin Murphy told Congress that the president was not involved in discussions to scrap the [FBI headquarters] relocation plan. She lied.” And, Rep. Connolly concludes, “[Murphy’s] subservience to the president was a permanent and insurmountable hurdle in our efforts to cooperate…@GSAEmilymay be a federal employee, but she’s made clear that she is no public servant.” Seems about right, no?


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