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Video: Former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05) Says “If we allow people to incite this type of violence…it’s just going to empower people in the future”

"This has been a very dangerous time in history, and disinformation could be the end of our republic."


Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07) recommends that we all watch former Rep. Denver Riggleman (R-VA05), who says:

  • “When you talk about impeachment, a lot of people say it’s divisive, and I would humbly submit that the divisiveness started with the ‘Stop the Steal’, the conspiracy theories, the disinformation…what you saw at the Capitol was built on fantasy.”
  • “The reason I think impeachment is important is that if we allow people to incite this type of violence or to push disinformation and we don’t go for impeachment, it’s just going to empower people in the future.”
  • “I can’t imagine that we would just let this go…there has to be accountability…the long-term effects of not having accountability could really hurt this great republic that we have.”
  • “Regardless of impeachment or not impeachment, the oxygen is already there for this fire to be lit when it comes to disinformation. And if we don’t impeach, who’s to say that that violence isn’t sort of…appeased…it’s ok, nothing’s going to happen to you if this happens…Impeachment isn’t going to cause this. What’s going to cause violence in this country is if you don’t have rule of law and if you allow this type of violence to go unpunished.”
  • “I wouldn’t be surprised if 20%-30% of the people believe…the ‘deep state’ has won or there’s a ‘deep state’ cabal…People believe this. That fever is still out there. And we have to have some sort of facts-based inoculation…This has been a very dangerous time in history, and disinformation could be the end of our republic.”


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