Home 2021 Elections Audio: Asked About Leaving a Voicemail Message Calling Someone a “Bitch,” Amanda...

Audio: Asked About Leaving a Voicemail Message Calling Someone a “Bitch,” Amanda Chase Responds, “Sometimes the truth hurts”


Remember the other day, when VA GOP gubernatorial candidate Amanda Chase left a voicemail message in which she “urges [the] recipient to be a sister in Christ before calling her a bitch (listen to the end)?” Check out that audio, below. Anyway, she was asked about it on the radio (WRVA) earlier this afternoon (check out the audio, below), and here’s how she responded:

“So here’s what I would tell you. I did not misspeak. I stand behind all of my statements that I have said publicly or privately. Sometimes the truth hurts…”

Yep, that’s a leading candidate for the Virginia Republican gubernatorial nomination this year. We’ll see if Trump ends up endorsing her…they sure seem like a great fit! LOL


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