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Virginia Elected Officials, Candidates React To Guilty Verdict in Chauvin Case: “George Floyd’s life mattered. Justice has been served.” [UPDATED with Amanda Chase’s reaction]

Now, we need to pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.


UPDATE 8:47 pm – Here’s far-right State Sen. Amanda Chase (R)’s reaction…ugh.

See below for reactions from Virginia elected officials and candidates for statewide office to the conviction of Derek Chauvin in the horrific, disgraceful, sadistic murder of George Floyd.

Governor Northam Statement on Verdict in Chauvin Murder Trial
RICHMOND—Governor Ralph Northam today released the following statement after the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial returned a guilty verdict on all three counts.

“The life of George Floyd matters. He should still be alive today, and no courtroom decision can bring him back. But this decision is an important step. It is a step towards accountability for police. It is a step towards justice—for George Floyd, for his family, for his community, and for our entire country.

“I pray that today brings some small comfort to the family of George Floyd and all who loved him. May we honor his legacy by continuing on this march towards justice and meaningful change. We have a lot of work ahead.”

McEachin Statement on the Conviction of Derek Chauvin in the Murder of George Floyd 

WASHINGTON  Congressman A. Donald McEachin (VA-04) issued the following statement today on the conviction of Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd.

“This is a tragedy. George Floyd lost his life, as have too many Black Americans before him, and after him, at the hands of law enforcement,” McEachin said.

“This verdict, while frankly a relief that the system worked this time and a moment of acknowledgement that George Floyd’s life was egregiously and heinously snuffed out, is not a solution. We must commit to changing our policing to ensure these kinds of incidents do not happen again, are not continual headlines and that families are not left shocked and grieving when a loved one doesn’t come home. That is how we honor George Floyd’s life and countless others.”

Spanberger Statement on Verdict in the Trial of Derek Chauvin

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Representative Abigail Spanberger today released the following statement in response to the verdict in the trial of former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin related to the death of George Floyd.

“The murder of George Floyd captured — on video — the cycle of brutal violence that still exists on American streets and throughout American communities. Today’s verdict is a step towards achieving justice for the family of George Floyd, and it brings greater attention and human dignity to the lives of those who have been senselessly killed at the hands of law enforcement.

“However, we must expect more from ourselves, our neighbors, our community leaders, and our legislators in the struggle against systemic racism. The footage of Derek Chauvin kneeling on the neck of George Floyd — who was begging for his life — painfully demonstrated the long, necessary work that has yet to occur if we truly wish to achieve equal justice and bring long overdue reforms to police departments across the country. The videos of police shootings made public last week have only underscored the urgency of these changes. 

“In the wake of today’s verdict, we should all be committed to carrying out that work — for the sake of our communities and for the strength of our nation. My thoughts are with the family of George Floyd in this moment, as well as with the thousands of American families who have yet to achieve justice on behalf of their loved ones.”

Senate Democrats Statement: Derek Chauvin Trial Verdict

RICHMOND, Va.: This afternoon, Virginia Senate Democratic Caucus released the following statement concerning the verdict of the Derek Chauvin trial:

“While a ‘guilty’ verdict in the murder trial of Derek Chauvin is nothing to celebrate, Senate Democrats know the justice being served for George Floyd, his family, and communities all across the United States and world will bring closure for this case but also the turning of a page in our country’s history.

“The death of George Floyd sparked desperate cries and long-overdue demands for change and for justice to be added to our nation’s systems. The trial of Derek Chauvin is not simply a trial of a former officer, but it is a trial of our values as a nation. Senate Democrats applaud the jury for the hard work that they had to undergo during the case.

“Senate Democrats are listening to the continued calls for justice and equity. Working together with resolve and thoughtfulness—not division and violence—we will continue the march toward what is right and just.”

Virginia House Democrats React to Verdict in Chauvin Trial

RICHMOND, Va.—Today, a Minnesota jury released the verdict in former officer Derek Chauvin’s trial in the death of George Floyd, finding Chauvin guilty on all three charges.

Virginia House Democratic Majority Leader Charniele Herring and House Democratic Caucus Chair Rip Sullivan released the following statement in response:

“Justice has been served in the case of George Floyd’s death, but we recognize that we still have a long road ahead of us as we work to eliminate the inequality and injustice within our systems. Floyd’s death reawakened our communities to the need for urgent, effective reforms to ensure greater accountability for wrongdoing by those in uniform. Each person deserves to be treated with the same level of respect by police—regardless of race, ethnicity, or background—while also knowing that law enforcement cares about them and their community.”

Watching George Floyd’s murder, I felt the same trauma my parents felt when they heard about Emmett Till.

Virginia AG Candidate Jay Jones Statement on the Derek Chauvin Verdict
NORFOLK— Virginia Attorney General candidate Jay Jones released the following statement on the jury verdicts in the Derek Chauvin trial:

“Millions of Americans bore witness to George Floyd’s murder last summer. When I watched it, I felt Derek Chauvin’s knee on my neck. Admittedly, I still feel the weight of the system’s oppression on me and the rest of Black America day in and day out. While I am in agreement with the jury that this is the correct verdict, it won’t bring George Floyd back or give his family proper closure, and it certainly won’t cure the pain Black Americans across the country felt when watching that video and countless others over the last few decades. This verdict won’t fix the systemic injustices in policing or the sense of impunity too many officers feel when interacting with Black Americans. To keep all of our communities safe and build a justice system that works for everyone, we must have true accountability for police misconduct. So the tough conversations continue, the work carries on, and we stand shoulder to shoulder, praying and marching toward the justice and equity that Black Americans richly deserve.”

Del. Hala Ayala’s Statement on the Verdict in the Trial for the Murder of George Floyd

WOODBRIDGE, VA — Delegate Hala Ayala today released the following statement on the verdict from the trial for the murder of George Floyd: 

“First and foremost My heart goes out to Mr. Floyd’s family and the city of Minneapolis during what must be an incredibly challenging time. The world has been traumatized watching the killing of another black man.  Healing this deep rooted trauma will not happen overnight.   

Although today’s decision is a step in the right direction, we have so much work to do to heal our nation and ensure everyone can feel safe in our neighborhoods and hold our police accountable. There is so much implicit bias and inequity within our institutions of justice and we must be willing to do the hard work and root out these racist policies. I look forward to continuing to build on the reforms our Commonwealth has passed and create a more just society here in Virginia.”


Norfolk, VA — Norfolk Councilmember Andria McClellan, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, has released the following statement regarding the jury’s guilty verdict in the trial of Derek Chauvin:

“I am relieved to see this movement toward accountability today. Black and brown people should not live in fear of being harmed by police; yet that is a reality for far too many, and it’s up to us to bring that to an end. While this single decision does not bring back George Floyd, let alone undo the harm from centuries of racial inequities and police violence, I hope it signals a future with more transparency and accountability. It is incumbent upon us to address the systemic racism in our society and build a more just future for all. Black Lives Matter.”

Delegate Mark Levine’s Statement on Derek Chauvin’s Conviction

Alexandria, VA – Today, Delegate Mark Levine released the following statement:

“This time, for once, justice is served. Rest in peace, George Floyd. But we can never truly rest until the systemic racism that has long pervaded American history is rooted out in its entirety.”

Today, George Floyd’s family received justice. Systemic racism and the toll it takes on our communities of color is still real and there is much work ahead to ensure every American is equal under the law. This verdict continues the long path of healing and progress.

Delegate Joshua Cole (HD-28) Statement on Derek Chauvin Trial

FREDERICKSBURG, Virginia – Today, April 20, 2021 Delegate Joshua Cole released the following statement on the guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial: 

“Today, the American justice system prevailed. I am praying for the family of Mr. George Floyd, so that they can finally begin to heal. It is important that we remember a human life was taken and will never be replaced. I commend the prosecution team who worked diligently to present the evidence against former Officer Derek Chauvin. They are an example of the kind of courage we need in our law enforcement to make sure that there is justice and protection for all.

This horrible tragedy reminds us that systemic problems require systemic solutions. 

While we feel justice was served today, there is still more work to be done. There are still other instances of injustice like the violence against Second Lt. Caron Nazario and the murder of Donovan Lynch. We have to continue to fight for change. I believe that in this moment we are all being called to do more. Here in Virginia, we are being called to do more. My faith teaches me that “When the righteous cry for strength, the Lord hears,” so let’s raise our voices.  Let’s stay in this fight together and continue moving forward.”


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