Home Democratic Party Video: DPVA Calls on Virginia Republicans to Cancel “Election Integrity Rally” 

Video: DPVA Calls on Virginia Republicans to Cancel “Election Integrity Rally” 

"If Glenn Youngkin has a shred of integrity and cares at all about our democracy, he will not attend this event."


From the Democratic Party of Virginia:

ICYMI: DPVA Calls on Virginia Republicans to Cancel “Election Integrity Rally” 

Richmond, VA — Today, DPVA Chair Susan Swecker called on Virginia Republicans to cancel their “Election Integrity Regional Rally” that the entire GOP ticket is headlining.

Gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin launched his campaign on Donald Trump’s election lies. Now he and Republicans up and down the ballot are rallying to advance the GOP’s extreme attacks on voting rights here in Virginia.

Youngkin spent months refusing to say that Joe Biden was legitimately elected. He will not separate himself from Donald Trump on any policy area — even refusing to condemn the disgraced former president for his role in the January 6th insurrection. Now, he is rallying with extreme Republicans like Bob Good and continuing to push hardline voting rights restrictions.

See below for key excerpts and watch Chairwoman Swecker’s full remarks here.

DPVA Chair Susan Swecker Remarks

We all know what Glenn Youngkin and Republicans mean when they talk about “election integrity.” They’re following Donald Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen, and pushing restrictive measures that make it harder for folks to exercise their fundamental right to vote.

In fact, Glenn Youngkin has made voter suppression the centerpiece of his campaign. For the entire primary he refused to say that Joe Biden was the legitimate winner of the election. And he refused to put forward any policy ideas besides his phony “election integrity” plan. […]

Make no mistake about it — voting rights and our very democracy are under attack across the country, and it’s because of Donald Trump and the extreme Republican politicians like Glenn who are helping him undermine America’s free and fair elections.

Here in Virginia, we have fought to protect and expand the sacred right to vote — and we will not let Glenn Youngkin drag us backwards. […]

One look at the other speakers should make it clear what this event is really about: It’s sponsored by the 5th Congressional District Republicans. Their Chairman — and an event speaker — Melvin Adams – bragged about being outside the Capitol during the violent riot on January 6.

Bob Good is another featured speaker. He voted against certifying the election results and voted against awarding medals to the police officers that defended the Capitol during the insurrection.

For Glenn Youngkin and Virginia Republicans, this event is about two things: devising strategies to keep Virginians from voting, and proving their complete loyalty to Donald Trump.

While other Republicans have stood on the side of truth and justice, and denounced their party’s blatant attempts to undermine our elections, Youngkin and the Virginia GOP are doubling down.

By headlining this “election integrity rally” he’s telling Virginians loud and clear where he stands – right alongside the other pro-Trump conspiracy theorists who are planning to restrict Virginians’ right to vote.

Today, on behalf of the Democratic Party of Virginia — and all Virginians who care to protect our democracy from Donald Trump’s dangerous attacks — I am calling on the fifth district Republicans to cancel this event.

If they fail to end this dangerous rally, Glenn Youngkin should disavow the event and withdraw from headlining it.

Glenn knows a thing or two about skipping events, so it shouldn’t be too hard for him.

If Glenn Youngkin has a shred of integrity and cares at all about our democracy, he will not attend this event.


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