Home COVID-19 3-Day Christmas Weekend Virginia COVID Cases Up a Whopping 18,513; Also Up...

3-Day Christmas Weekend Virginia COVID Cases Up a Whopping 18,513; Also Up 54,459 Over the Past 10 Days (the Highest Since January 2021)

The somewhat positive news is that hospitalizations and deaths don't appear to be growing as rapidly, at least not yet...


See below for the latest COVID-19 statistics for Virginia, courtesy of the Virginia Department of Health and the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association (VHHA). As you can see, total cases hit 1,067,849, up a whopping 18,513 since the Friday morning report, and up 54,459 over the past 10 days…the highest since January 2021. As for hospitalizations, according to VHHA, we’re now at 1,672, up 93 from 1,579 in the Friday morning statistics. And deaths are at 15,319, up 25 from 15,294 in the Friday morning statistics.


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