Home Education Video: Virginia Senate Democrats Say They Support Targeted Refundable Tax Credit (NOT...

Video: Virginia Senate Democrats Say They Support Targeted Refundable Tax Credit (NOT an Across-the-Board Increase in the Standard Deduction); Will Oppose Any Efforts Aimed at Undermining Public Schools


See below for the Virginia Senate Democrats’ Legislative Priorities Press Conference. One key point, by Senate Majority Leader Dick Saslaw, was that increasing the standard deduction across the board will “wind up giving a lot of tax credit money away to people who don’t need it,” while a *refundable tax credit* can be targeted at people who actually need the additional money.  Another key point, by Sen. Creigh Deeds, Sen. Barbara Favola, Sen. Jennifer McClellan and Sen. Dick Saslaw is that Democrats are NOT going to take money away from the public schools and will NOT do anything to undermine public schools, for instance via expansion of charter schools. This is all good to hear, of course. Now, the key will be Senate Democrats staying united, with their slim, 21-19 majority, and not letting Glenn Youngkin et al pick them apart on issue after issue…


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