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Video: VA House Dem Leader Filler-Corn, Dem Caucus Chair Herring Hit Gov. Youngkin For Steering VA Into “Dangerous Waters”; Vow That Dems “Will Continue to Fight!”

Leader Filler-Corn rips Youngkin's "tip line," attacking a teenager on Twitter, "rush[ing] to Sean Hannity," attacking teachers, etc.


See below for video of two excellent speeches, delivered a bit earlier today on the Virginia House of Delegates floor, by House Democratic Leader Del. Eileen Filler-Corn and House Democratic Caucus Chair Del. Charniele Herring. First, here are a few highlights from Leader Filler-Corn’s speech:

  • At the halfway point of the 2022 Virginia General Assembly session, we are “at a crossroads.” 
  • A month ago, Gov. Youngkin stood in the House of Delegates and quoted Martin Luther King, Jr. that “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”
  • “Looking back on Gov. Youngkin’s first month in office, I am sad to say that he has been catering to a vocal minority and as a result has steered us into dangerous waters.”
  • “Instead of providing schools with a steady hand and the support that they so desperately need,” Youngkin is “focused on injecting politics into Virginia’s classrooms.” 
  • “Instead of working with families and…teachers to find ways to provide students with a world-class education, Gov. Youngkin has stoked division in our community and directed anger at our experienced, professional teachers.
  • “Instead of rewarding excellent in public education...he has set a dangerous new precedent by directing the removal of 11 qualified and diverse appointees, including Virginia’s 2021 Teacher of the Year.”
  • “Instead of listening and learning from the youngest, most engaged constituents, Team Youngkin attacked a student who disagreed with him on Twitter.
  • “Instead of bringing us together, [Youngkin] has set up an infamous tip line, pitting people against one another throughout the Commonwealth.”
  • “Instead of speaking directly to Virginians, he has rushed to Sean Hannity to promote political aspirations. People shouldn’t have to tune in to Fox News or conservative talk radio just to hear from their governor.”
  • We “still have an opportunity to choose a better path forward…Virginians deserve far better than what we have seen the past month; there have been some really dangerous wrong turns,” but “House Democrats stand ready to work with anyone who’s willing to…help solve the challenges that face Virginians every single day.

For her part, VA House Democratic Caucus Chair Del. Charniele Herring spoke passionately:

  • I can’t sit here quietly…It’s funny how whenever we, on this side of the aisle, try to represent the interests of Virginians who are typically left behind by our history – those with criminal convictions who simply want their voting rights back after they serve time; our LGBTQ brothers and sisters who want our constitution to recognize their equality and repeal the bigoted Marshall-Newman Amendment.”
  • “We’re not going to tone down the rhetoric, that is not going to happen. But what will happen is…we have to continue to fight, because if we don’t, I am concerned about Virginia, and the equality of everybody, even people that you live and know from your districts.”
  • “And I’m glad that you’re happy about the budget…but let’s tell the whole story about the budget and the money that we have in this Commonwealth. It was under the leadership of people on OUR side of the aisle and the stewardship of Chairman Torian and Governor Northam that we have the funds to deliver to Virginia…to invest in schools…to help with school construction.”
  • “We will continue to fight…We are entitled to still fight for every Virginian – every Virginian matters, EVERY Virginian; they are the least among these, some of these that we fight for on this side of the aisle. We will continue to fight and the rhetoric WILL not be toned down; we will continue to march on.”



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