Home 2022 Elections VA05 Dem Nominee Josh Throneburg Releases First TV Ad, “Lonely”: “But according...

VA05 Dem Nominee Josh Throneburg Releases First TV Ad, “Lonely”: “But according to Bob Good, our family shouldn’t exist”


From the Josh Throneburg for VA05 campaign:


Charlottesville – Josh Throneburg, Democratic Congressional nominee for Virginia’s Fifth District, will be releasing his first television ad on the morning of Tuesday, October 11. The ad, which will run on broadcast television in the Charlottesville and Roanoke-Lynchburg media markets, will run for the first time in the 6 AM hour on the morning of October 11th. We have put it up for members of the media who wish to view the ad in advance before it airs. It can be found here: https://vimeo.com/758824056

“Lonely” introduces Josh’s family and walks through the ways in which Bob Good’s policy agenda would have prevented Josh’s family from coming into being.

  • Josh’s wife Minhee is Korean-American and immigrated to the US from Canada. Besides his push to radically curtail immigration to the US, Rep. Good has also voted against the Respect for Marriage Act, which (among other things) codifies protection for interracial marriage [HR 8404; roll call vote 7/19/22; Good–Nay.]
  • Josh’s older daughter Lucy is Black and was adopted from Haiti after the Haitian earthquake. Good has objected to immigration by non-white, non-English speaking refugees, arguing that they should relocate to places where they “fit in better culturally and….ethnically and so forth.” He has sponsored a bill to limit family-sponsored immigration visas (HR 4050) and has been a hard-line opponent of immigration, voting against almost every bill that would have loosened immigration restrictions and repeatedly voting against allowing asylum-seekers and refugees to enter the US.
  • Josh’s younger daughter Agnes was born with the aid of IVF. Bob Good is a principal sponsor of the Life At Conception Act (HR 1011) which defines life as beginning at the moment of conception. This complicates IVF, a process where multiple embryos are created but not all develop into full-term pregnancies.

“Lonely” is an innovative ad that spotlights Josh’s diverse family, highlights the real threat that Bob Good’s extremist positions pose to Fifth District families, and contrasts that with Josh’s optimistic vision for Virginia’s future. It will continue to air on broadcast television through October and will be highlighted on the campaign’s social media channels.

Josh resides in the City of Charlottesville with his wife, Minhee, and their daughters, Agnes and Lucy. He is an ordained minister and local small business owner.

1) “Rep. Bob Good (R-Va.), a Freedom Caucus board member, made incendiary comments about Afghan refugees during a meeting with supporters earlier this year, according to a recording of the event obtained by POLITICO. Good told constituents that he opposed taking in the refugees – many of whom aided the U.S. in its war against the Taliban – in part because he didn’t trust the country’s vetting process but also because he thought it was the ‘compassionate thing’ to have them relocate to a country in the region ‘where they would fit in better culturally and religiously and ethnically and so forth.’”

[92](Politico, accessed 06/13/2022)

“Lonely” Script:

“[Josh] My name is Rev.  Josh Throneburg and this is my family.

[Minhee] I’m Minhee

[Lucy] I’m Lucy

[Agnes] I’m Agnes

[Josh] But according to Bob Good, our family shouldn’t exist.

His views put in vitro fertilization, immigration, and even interracial marriage all at risk.

And that’s a pretty lonely world.

I believe in a welcoming, diverse and beautiful America where the Throneburg family, and yours, can flourish.

And that’s why I approve this message.”


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