Home 2022 Elections Video: New Ad Highlights “How Extreme” Hung Cao Is ; After 1/6...

Video: New Ad Highlights “How Extreme” Hung Cao Is ; After 1/6 Insurrection, He Said Violent Extremists “are my people, set them free”

Cao was also "thrilled" at Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade


From DPVA:

NEW AD: “How Extreme”

Richmond, VA – Today the campaign of Representative Jennifer Wexton – a former prosecutor and state Senator – released its latest ad “How Extreme.”

“How Extreme” highlights the extremism of Republican candidate Hung Cao. After the January 6th insurrection, Hung Cao defended violent insurrectionists saying “these are my people, set them free.” Hung Cao also said he was “thrilled” when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and even supports letting states ban birth control.

Watch “How Extreme”:  

Narrator: How Extreme is Republican for Congress Hung Cao? After January 6th he defended violent insurrectionists.

Cao: “Why aren’t members of Congress saying, these are Americans, these are my people, set them free.”

Narrator: And Hung Cao was “thrilled” the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and supports letting states ban birth control.Narrator: Hung Cao…

Cao: “These are my people, set them free.” 

“Hung Cao is out of touch and too extreme for Virginia’s 10th District,” said DPVA Spokesperson Gianni Snidle. “Cao is an anti-abortion extremist who wants to allow states to ban abortion and birth control. Virginians deserve a Representative in Congress like Jennifer Wexton who has been a staunch defender of reproductive freedom and our democracy.”


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