Home 2022 Elections WATCH: Virginians Can’t Trust Yesli Vega on Day One

WATCH: Virginians Can’t Trust Yesli Vega on Day One

"After Months Bashing Kevin McCarthy, PolitiFact VA Calls Out Yesli Vega for Her  'Full Flop'"


From the reelection campaign of Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA07):

WATCH: Virginians Can’t Trust Yesli Vega on Day One

After Months Bashing Kevin McCarthy, PolitiFact VA Calls Out Yesli Vega for Her  “Full Flop”

FREDERICKSBURG, VA — The campaign of U.S. Rep. Abigail Spanberger – a former federal law enforcement officer and CIA case officer – released a new digital ad, “Full Flop,” following PolitiFact VA’s “Flop-O-Meter” rating out this week.

Ever since Vega began campaigning for the Republican nomination in Virginia’s 7th District, she repeatedly told Virginians she would not vote for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for House Speaker if Republicans gain control of the U.S. House. In the face of a failing campaign and strapped for cash, Vega changed her tune and eagerly endorsed McCarthy for House Speaker, a decision that was labeled a “full flop” by PolitiFact just this week.

Full Flop” illustrates extremist Yesli Vega’s U-Turn for McCarthy’s financial support.

Watch New Digital Ad “Full Flop”


We can’t trust Yesli Vega.


(April 20, 2022)

No, I would not vote for Kevin McCarthy.

I’m frustrated.

Not just with Democrats, but I’m also frustrated with Republicans.

Weak Republicans that have no spine.

John Fredericks:

(May 31, 2022)

On my show before

You said that you would unequivocally vote against Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.

Do you still hold that view?


(May 31, 2022)

I do, yes.


But then —

House leadership gave 3.7 million dollars to Yesli Vega

and her tune suddenly changed.


“Leader McCarthy … has earned my support in this effort,”

Vega said in a statement.


Who doesn’t have a spine?

“Virginians cannot trust Yesli Vega to represent their best interests. In the face of a failing campaign, Ms. Vega changed her tune so her party bosses would open their checkbooks” said Sam Signori, Campaign Manager, Abigail Spanberger for Congress. “Abigail Spanberger has kept her promises since day one. She is a trusted leader who has honored her commitment to Virginians – not once, but twice – to vote against Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House. And just last month, Spanberger reiterated her continued call for new leadership in the Democratic caucus. With just under four weeks to go until Election Day, Virginians must ask themselves if Yesli Vega will actually work for them – or just be another Washington politician.”

Click here to watch the full ad.


Spanberger has consistently been ranked as one of the most bipartisan Members of Congress. According to the nonpartisan Lugar Center and the McCourt School of Public Policy Bipartisan Index, in the 117th Congress, Rep. Spanberger was ranked the fifth most bipartisan Member of Congress of the U.S. House overall in either party – and the most bipartisan Member representing the Virginia delegation in either chamber.

Rep. Spanberger’s bipartisanship is delivering results for Virginians. Just this Congress, Rep. Spanberger has helped lead negotiations with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to pass the bipartisan infrastructure law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Honoring our PACT Act, among others. All of these bills will deliver real results for Virginia’s families, businesses, and Veterans.


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