Home 2023 Elections Loudoun County Democratic Committee Announces Nominees and Primary Candidates for June and...

Loudoun County Democratic Committee Announces Nominees and Primary Candidates for June and November 2023 Elections

In contrast, this November will feature "a MAGA Republican slate of candidates who seek to turn back the clock on all of the progress this County and State have made in the last several decades."


From the Loudoun County Democratic Committee:

Hi Friend,

The Loudoun County Democratic Committee (“LCDC”) announces its nominees in the November 7, 2023 General Election for the following positions:

Atoosa Reaser, House of Delegates District 27 —   https://www.atoosareaser.com/

David Reid, House of Delegates District 28 —-  https://www.delegatedavidreid.com/

Marty Martinez, House of Delegates District 29 — https://www.martyfordelegate.com/

Robert Banse, House of Delegates 30 —- https://www.robbanse.com/

Craig Buckley, Sheriff ——– https://buckley4sheriff.org/

Robin Roopnarine, Treasurer ————    https://www.robinroopnarine.com/

Sri Amudhanar, Commissioner of Revenue – http://www.friendsofsriamudhanar.org/

Phyllis Randall, Chair of the Board of Supervisors https://www.facebook.com/randall4chair/

Juli Briskman, Algonquin District Board of Supervisors https://www.briskmanforsupervisor.com/

Mike Turner, Ashburn District Board of Supervisors https://www.facebook.com/MikeTurnerAshburn/

Sylvia Glass, Broad Run District Board of Supervisors


Puja Khanna, Dulles District Board of Supervisors


Kristen Umstattd, Leesburg District Board of Supervisors https://www.kristenumstattd.com/

Koran Saines, Sterling District Board of Supervisors https://www.facebook.com/Koran4Sterling/

LCDC also announces the candidates that have made the ballot in the June 20th Democratic primary:

Zach Cummings, State Senate District 31 — https://www.zachcummings.com/

Russet Perry, State Senate District 31 — https://russetperry.com/


Ibraheem Samirah, State Senate District 32 — https://www.samirah4delegate.com/

Suhas Subramanyam, State Senate 32 — https://www.suhasforvirginia.com/


Sirisha Kompalli, House of Delegates 26

Sree Nagireddi, House of Delegates 26 — https://www.sreefordelegate.com/

Kannan Srinivasan, House of Delegates 26 —https://kannanfordelegate.com/


Buta Biberaj, Commonwealth Attorney — https://biberajforloudoun.com/

Elizabeth Lancaster, Commonwealth Attorney — https://www.lancaster4loudoun.com/


Lissa Savaglio, Little River District Board of Supervisors — https://www.lissasavaglio.com/

Laura Tekrony, Little River District Board of Supervisors — https://tekronyforsupervisor.com/


LCDC Chair Avram Fechter commented,


“The Democratic Party has nominated a diverse, intelligent, hardworking slate of candidates for four House of Delegate races, three Constitutional Officer positions, and seven seats on the Board of Supervisors that is representative of this great County.  We look forward to interacting with our various primary candidates on the campaign trail between now and the June 20th primary.   The general election will be a contrast between a Democratic slate of candidates that value public education, will protect women’s reproductive health care rights, support gun safety polices, and a MAGA Republican slate of candidates who seek to turn back the clock on all of the progress this County and State have made in the last several decades.”


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