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“[Youngkin] is so desperate to appease his rabid anti-LGBTQ base, he scrubbed suicide prevention from a state website”

Youngkin "cruelly targeting Virginians despite concerns from public health officials"


Remember how in his 2021 gubernatorial campaign, and since he was elected, Glenn Youngkin has pretended to care about children? Well, just like his faux-“moderate” routine and pretty much everything else about this guy, it was a huge lie. To the contrary, check out this new story from top-notch WaPo reporter Jenna Portnoy, as well as the responses below:

The administration of Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) quietly took down LGBTQ+ youth resources from a state website after a conservative media outlet questioned the links, records show, building on a pattern of removals derided by public health employees who say their work is being politicized.

Within hours of an inquiry from the Daily Wire, a dozen resources, including a live-chat online support group for teens, were removed from the state health department website at the direction of a Cabinet-level agency, according to emails obtained under the state’s open records law.

Disgusting and disgraceful as usual from Youngkin, who – as former Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn correctly puts it – “is cruelly targeting Virginians despite concerns from public health officials.” And as Fairfax County School Board at-large Democratic nominee Kyle McDaniel says, “[Youngkin] is so desperate to appease his rabid anti-LGBTQ base, he scrubbed suicide prevention from a state website.” Needless to say, as Equality Virginia explains, “LGBTQ+ youth do better socially, emotionally and academically when they have access to resources and feel connected to a supportive community.”

But of course, Youngkin doesn’t care. Or, let’s put it this way: Youngkin may or may not care, but when faced with a choice of doing the right thing and standing up to the faaaar right of his party, to the bigots, extremists, etc., Youngkin caves every single time and does the *wrong* thing, as political (or economic or whatever) ambition trump morality with this guy – every single time.


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