Home 2023 Elections End Citizens United / Let America Vote Endorses Slate of Pro-Democracy Candidates...

End Citizens United / Let America Vote Endorses Slate of Pro-Democracy Candidates in Virginia


From End Citizens United/Let America Vote:

End Citizens United // Let America Vote Endorses Slate of Pro-Democracy Candidates in Virginia

End Citizens United (ECU) // Let America Vote (LAV) today endorsed a slate of Virginia legislative candidates. The endorsements include:


  • Del. Schuyler VanValkenburg (SD-16)
  • Del. Danica Roem (SD-30)


  • Del. Dan Helmer (HD-10)
  • Del. Kathy Tran (HD-18)
  • Josh Thomas (HD-21)
  • Del. Sam Rasoul (HD-38)
  • Del. Rodney Willett (HD-58)
  • Del. Josh Cole (HD-65)
  • Del. Shelly Simonds (HD-70)
  • Debra Gardner (HD-76)
  • Del. Nadarius Clark (HD-84)
  • Michael Feggans (HD-97)

“The hard-fought gains to protect and expand the freedom to vote in Virginia are under attack by Governor Youngkin and the extremist Republicans who control the House of Delegates,” said Chintan Patel, ECU // LAV Vice President of Political Affairs. “At a time when we’re seeing unprecedented threats to our freedoms, we must elect leaders who will protect democracy and prioritize the interests of the people. These candidates have already taken the bold step of refusing contributions from Dominion Energy––and they’re committed to ensuring no politician gets between voters and the ballot box. We’re proud to endorse them and look forward to helping them win.”

ECU // LAV is dedicated to combating the two biggest challenges facing our democracy: the corrosive impact of Big Money and attempts to block access to the ballot box. Since its founding in 2015, the group has had over 1 million donors and raised $200 million, with an average donation of just $14. The group has more than 4 million members nationwide.



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