Home Glenn Youngkin Nikki Haley Is “a grasping, amoral toxic stew of unbounded ambition and...

Nikki Haley Is “a grasping, amoral toxic stew of unbounded ambition and vile views.” How About Her Pal Glenn Youngkin?


As you can see below, the brilliant Norman Ornstein describes Nikki Haley – whose name is all over the internet today due to her failure to mention slavery as the most important cause of the Civil War, instead babbling about how it was supposedly about “how government was going to run — the freedoms and what people could and couldn’t do” – as “a grasping, amoral toxic stew of unbounded ambition and vile views.” And that’s 100% accurate, of course.

But how about Haley’s pal Glenn Youngkin, who Haley campaigned for in 2021 (and, believe it or not, there’s even some discussion of a Haley-Youngkin ticket!)?  Is there really much difference ideologically between those two? Both clearly are “grasping” and are consumed by “unbounded ambition,” as they are each desperate to gain more and more power for themselves. And both are clearly “amoral,” willing to support the guy (Donald Trump) who tried to overthrow our democracy, has pledged to be a dictator, is a racist/sexist/misogynist/xenophobe who uses Nazi-like language, among many other horrible things. And let’s not even get started on Youngkin’s 2021 campaign – which was almost completely dishonest, demagogic, fear mongering, racism (“Critical Race Theory!”), anti-LGBTQ vitriol, etc. – or his governorship, which has seen minimal accomplishments but LOTS of Youngkin (falsely) taking credit for stuff he had NOTHING to do with.  So…yeah, again, how is Glenn Youngkin any better than his pal Nikki Haley? Got me.


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