Home Don Beyer Sen. Mark Warner: “Failing to reauthorize aid to Ukraine now – after...

Sen. Mark Warner: “Failing to reauthorize aid to Ukraine now – after all this – would be incomprehensibly dangerous and just plain stupid.”

Sen. Tim Kaine: "President Zelenskyy spoke to the Senate today about the critical role of American support for Ukrainian democracy."


While a significant faction of House Republicans, and a smaller  (but noxious) group of Senate Republicans appear intent on doing Vladimir Putin’s evil bidding, the overwhelming majority of Democrats – and most Republicans in Congress – still stand with our ally, Ukraine, against Putin’s aggression. Earlier today, Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy spoke to U.S. Senators about the importance of continuing our country’s assistance to his country. Unfortunately, at the moment, it appears that Congress  – thanks to Republicans tying the unrelated issue of immigration into aid to Ukraine – won’t act before the end of this year, which is really REALLY unfortunate. But it really does tell us where a lot of Republicans’ heads are at, which is basically with their Putin-loving leader, Donald Trump. That really says it all – and nothing good! – about today’s Republican Party.

With that, see below for some thoughts by Sen. Mark Warner, Sen. Tim Kaine and Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08) on the urgent need for Congress to act on this – ASAP!


“For nearly two years, President Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian people have defended their country against Russia’s unprovoked and brutal invasion. I am proud that the United States has led the world in support of Ukraine’s efforts to push back against Vladimir Putin’s aggression, and today’s meeting highlighted the importance of continuing this support. The time to act is now. We must honor our commitments and pass a security package before the year ends.”  – Sen. Mark Warner

“And we’ve done all this without losing a single American soldier. Failing to reauthorize aid to Ukraine now – after all this – would be incomprehensibly dangerous and just plain stupid.” – Sen. Mark Warner

“President Zelenskyy spoke to the Senate today about the critical role of American support for Ukrainian democracy. He stood beneath a portrait of George Washington, who helped birth an America free from domination by a great power. A moving moment.” – Sen. Tim Kaine

“The Ukrainian people have shown remarkable courage and valor defending their country against an enormous invading force. American leaders in both parties promised to stand with them in that fight, and Congress should stay here until we pass legislation to keep that promise.” – Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA08)


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