Home Immigration National Study: Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Almost $700 Million in Virginia Taxes a...

National Study: Undocumented Immigrants Contribute Almost $700 Million in Virginia Taxes a Year

Despite what right wingers falsely claim, immigrants are a *major* net benefit to our country.


The following press release from the Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis illustrates a point that is completely lost on xenophobes, Republicans, right wingers, etc. – that immigration is a *huge* net benefit to our country, almost any way one looks at it. And yes, that includes immigrants’ economic contributions, which are huge (e.g., just imagine who would plant/harvest our food supply, who would take care of the elderly, etc. without immigrants); the fact that undocumented immigrants commit crimes – including violent crimes – at a FAR lower rate than native-born Americans; etc. Of course, that won’t stop Trump and his ilk from demonizing immigrants, but the rest of us should be aware that that’s all it is – demonization, without any basis in fact whatsoever…and even worse, for calculated/cynical political purposes.


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