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As Early Voting Starts in Virginia, DNC Announces Five-Figure Investment in Democratic Party of Virginia for Final Push in November


From the DNC:

As Early Voting Starts in Virginia, DNC Announces Five-Figure Investment in Democratic Party of Virginia for Final Push in November

The investment in Virginia is part of historic investment from the DNC in all 57 states and territories this cycle to fund coordinated campaigns in the final stretch

Today, the Democratic National Committee announced additional funding to the Democratic Party of Virginia, along with investments to dozens of states. This investment rounds out the DNC’s mission to deliver funding and resources to all 57 states and territories for the first time ever in a single cycle.

The five-figure investment will go toward building out the Democratic Party of Virginia’s GOTV efforts as early voting gets underway. Virginia is seeing energy and enthusiasm at the start of early voting, and the DNC is building on that momentum by investing another $50,000 to get out the vote in the state. These funds will support Virginia Democrats’ GOTV and voter contact programs at the top of the ticket and for congressional Democrats running in competitive races from Eugene Vindman in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District to Missy Cotter Smasal, who is seeking to flip Virginia’s 2nd. 

Leveraging its record-breaking fundraising, the DNC is announcing an additional $2.5 million worth of investments in key states in the run-up to Election Day, the latest tranche of funding as part of the DNC’s historic multi-million dollar investment cycle-to-date for targeted resource deployment. These funds, allocated to both traditionally red and blue states, will help strengthen coordinated campaigns and boost Democratic wins in down-ballot races, like in Virginia.

“The DNC is committed to electing Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Tim Walz, Eugene Vindman, Missy Cotter Smasal and ensuring Democrats have the resources to run competitive races across the map in red and blue states alike,” said DNC Chair Jaime Harrison. “The investment we’re announcing today in the Democratic Party of Virginia shows that priority in action. Virginia Democrats will ensure working families can get ahead, while standing up to Trump and Republicans’ extreme agenda to rip away Americans’ most fundamental rights. With Vice President Harris at the helm and record-breaking investments in coordinated campaigns, the DNC and Democratic state parties across the country have the momentum to strengthen coordinated operations in the critical final stretch to November to deliver wins for Democrats and all Virginians.”

“As we see record high turnout at the beginning of early voting in Virginia, we know that there is more work to do to turn out every single voter across the Commonwealth this election,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Chair Susan Swecker. “We are grateful for the investments that the Democratic National Convention continues to make into Virginia so we can ensure that we get a record number of Virginians to cast their ballots for Vice President Kamala Harris, Governor Tim Walz, and our Democrats up and down the ballot.”

Under Chair Harrison’s leadership, the DNC has increased its yearly investment in state parties by 25 percent and delivered the largest-ever investment in state parties from the DNC cycle-to-date as Democrats across the country continue to be energized and excited to send Vice President Harris and Governor Walz to the White House and elect Democrats up and down the ballot. 


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