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VA Dems: “Glenn Youngkin told Virginians that the news of Medicaid portals being shut down was ‘misinformation’…Blatant lying and gross negligence to thousands of Virginians who rely on these benefits”

"Youngkin will always choose Trump over Virginians. Always."


The Democratic Party of Virginia asks (see below for their press release this morning), “Did Governor Youngkin lie to Virginians during a crisis?” DPVA also asks, “Why would he add to the confusion and chaos?” and says:

“Glenn Youngkin told Virginians that the news of Medicaid portals being shut down was ‘misinformation.’ Meanwhile, he knew the truth — they were temporarily suspended. Blatant lying and gross negligence to thousands of Virginians who rely on these benefits.”

And, DPVA adds, “Youngkin will always choose Trump over Virginians. Always.” True!


Did Governor Youngkin lie to Virginians during a crisis?

Yesterday, after Donald Trump ordered a freeze on federal grants, Glenn Youngkin told Virginians that the “temporary pause by OMB does not impact individual assistance” and will not interrupt “healthcare for seniors or low-income families,” claiming that the news of Medicaid portals being shut down was purely “misinformation.” Today, Radio IQ reporter Brad Kutner reported that Glenn Youngkin was in fact aware of Medicaid portals being temporarily suspended following Trump’s orders, noting it in an internal memo.

Was Governor Glenn Youngkin lying to the thousands of Virginians who rely on Medicaid benefits? Why would he add to the confusion and chaos?

Questions that need to be answered:

Why did Glenn Youngkin call the Medicaid portal shutdown “misinformation” when he noted it in an internal memo?

How long was the portal shut down? Did his office receive calls about it?

Are there more issues pertinent to Virginians that Glenn Youngkin is hiding?


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