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Video: Virginia Physicians Denounce Gov. Youngkin’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board Veto; Share How Board Would Have Helped Patients Better Afford Prescriptions


Good stuff from the Committee to Protect Healthcare, “a national mobilization of doctors, health care professionals, and advocates who are building a pro-patient health care majority in Congress and in states so that we can live in an America where everyone has the health care they need to thrive.”


VIDEO RECORDING: Virginia Physicians Denounce Gov. Youngkin’s Prescription Drug Affordability Board Veto, Call on Leadership in Richmond to Put Patients Over Profits

Physicians share how Board would have helped patients better afford prescriptions

RICHMOND — After Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed legislation that would have established a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, Virginia physicians gathered virtually to criticize the decision and share how such a board would have helped patients like theirs. They also called on Republicans in the General Assembly, who could have helped override the veto, to support efforts to put patients ahead of pharmaceutical corporation profits.

“Right now, too many Virginians are being forced to choose between paying for prescriptions and putting food on the table … That’s why I’m deeply disappointed in the Youngkin/Earle-Sears administration for vetoing a solution to this critical issue,” said Dr. Kimberly Chernoby, an Emergency Medicine physician in Alexandria. “This legislation would have created a Prescription Drug Affordability Board — an independent body designed to rein in out-of-control prescription drug costs. It’s a commonsense solution — one that seven other states, both red and blue, have already implemented. We need lawmakers in Richmond to do better. We’re grateful to the many members of the General Assembly who voted to pass this legislation, but disappointed in lawmakers who voted against it. We need our leaders — both in the General Assembly and the Governor’s administration — to stand up to Big Pharma and put patients first.”

A Prescription Drug Affordability Board would review high-cost prescription drugs and set reasonable rates for Virginians to pay for certain medications. The Board would be an independent body of health and medical experts, using proven, data-based strategies that are already working in other states to lower prescription drug prices.

“One of the most heartbreaking conversations I have with patients is when they tell me they’ve stopped taking their medications—not because they want to, but because they can’t afford to,” said Dr. John Prescott, a retired Emergency Medicine physician in Lake Frederick. “This shouldn’t be happening in Virginia. The Youngkin/Earle-Sears administration could have addressed this. Republicans in the General Assembly could have addressed this. Virginians of all political backgrounds overwhelmingly support action on drug prices — 75% of voters support a PDAB, including 71% of Republicans. Our lawmakers should listen to the people they represent, not the pharmaceutical lobby.”

“Prescription drug costs have risen 57% in just three years for Virginia taxpayers,” said Dr. Rommaan Ahmad, a Pain Management Physiatrist in Alexandria. “Our commonwealth is now spending more than $3 billion on medications alone. That’s money that could be going toward better health care, schools, and infrastructure. Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies are making record profits. They hiked the price of 112 drugs last year at rates higher than inflation — just because they can. And without action from lawmakers, they’ll keep doing it. We need leaders in Richmond who will fight for their constituents and take action on drug prices. This issue isn’t going away—and neither are we. It’s time to put patients first.”


UPDATE 3/27: See below for a press release from Freedom Virginia on pathological liar Glenn Youngkin’s latest lies.

Fact Check: Governor Youngkin’s Veto Statement Parrots False Big Pharma Talking Points About Prescription Drug Affordability Board

Did He Even Read the Bill?

RICHMOND, Va. — On Monday, Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed legislation establishing a Prescription Drug Affordability Board. Why? Let’s explore his “reasoning.”

LIE #1: “The proposed authority granted to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) would allow medication availability to be determined based solely on cost considerations rather than accounting for the expert opinions of healthcare professionals…”

Fact-Check: FALSE

The expert opinions of healthcare professionals drive the Board and its membership. The Virginia Prescription Drug Affordability Board would be a small, independent group of people with expertise in medicine, health care, and economics. Just read the bill language here:

“The Board shall be composed of five nonlegislative citizen members that shall be appointed as follows: two members to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates, two members to be appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, and one member to be appointed by the Governor who shall be a representative of a local government in the Commonwealth. The Governor shall appoint three alternate nonlegislative citizen members of the Board. Members of the Board shall have expertise in health care, health care economics, the federal 340B Drug Pricing Program and its impacts on Virginia’s federally qualified health centers, or clinical medicine.

LIE #2: “The proposed authority granted to the Prescription Drug Affordability Board (PDAB) would allow medication availability to be determined based solely on cost considerations rather than accounting for […] the unique medical needs of individual patients.”

Fact-Check: FALSE

Here’s how a possible upper payment limit (UPL) to save consumers money on expensive medicine would actually be decided. Patients and pharmaceutical manufacturers would be represented through a stakeholder council, ensuring the Board hears input from all sides of the issue:

“The Board shall create a stakeholder council for the purpose of providing stakeholder input to assist the Board in making decisions as required under this chapter. The stakeholder council shall consist of 11 nonlegislative citizen members appointed in accordance with this section…one of whom shall be a representative of a rare disease and patient advocacy organization. Members shall include manufacturers of brand-name drugs and generic drugs, providers that dispense or administer prescription drug products, suppliers of prescription drug products, and consumers of prescription drug products. 

LIE #3: “This approach could limit access to treatments and hinder medical innovation, especially for life-threatening or rare diseases. The implications of the proposed upper payment limits (UPLs) are detrimental for patients with life-threatening diseases such as cancer.”

Fact-Check: FALSE

When considering an upper payment limit, the Board’s directed goal is to determine if a particular prescription drug “has led or will lead to affordability challenges for the health care system in the Commonwealth or high out-of-pocket costs for patients.” In determining an upper payment limit, the Board will consider a broad range of factors, including pharmaceutical manufacturer input, allowing companies the opportunity to justify the price of the drug under review:

Relevant information for conducting an affordability review may include any document or research related to the manufacturer’s selection of the introductory price or price increase of the prescription drug product, including life-cycle management, net average prices in the Commonwealth, market competition and context, projected revenue, patient assistance programs specific to a prescription drug product, estimated or actual manufacturer price concessions in the market, the estimated value or cost effectiveness of the prescription drug product, and other information as determined by the Board.”

In addition, the claim that upper payment limits would hinder medical innovation for life-threatening diseases is a threat touted by pharmaceutical companies to scare patients. The reality is they have wide profit margins, specifically on cancer treatments, and they spend more on predatory television advertisements than they do on research, allowing them to reduce the cost of certain medicines and maintain their research and development budgets. 

Freedom Virginia co-Executive Director Rhena Hicks released the following statement:

“Rather than read the bill, Governor Youngkin took the word of his Big Pharma donors and vetoed the legislation for a second year in a row. Contrary to his bogus concerns, the bill would ensure a data-based, fact-driven approach to lowering the cost of medicine for Virginians. By ensuring that health care experts, patients and manufacturers all have a voice in the process, the Prescription Drug Affordability Board would take a fair approach to an unfair problem. We look forward to lowering the cost of medicine under a new administration next year.”

Freedom Virginia is a nonpartisan 501(c)4 organization committed to building a Commonwealth where all Virginia families have the freedom to thrive. Freedom Virginia advances economic security policies through grassroots activism, voter engagement and legislative advocacy. Our efforts began in 2020 and since then we’ve pushed for a more economically secure Virginia by sharing real stories about Virginians’ lack of access to affordable healthcare, education, energy, and the need for policies that foster more safety for families. Visit our website at freedomva.org to learn more. 

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