Home 2019 Elections Mark Herring: Supporting Service Members, Veterans and Their Families

Mark Herring: Supporting Service Members, Veterans and Their Families


Democratic Virginia Attorney General candidate Mark Herring has released his plan to support U.S. service members, veterans and their families, and it’s a good one. Here are a few key points.

*”[A]t least one in ten Virginians is a former service member. Many others are currently serving, and still others are members of military families.”

*”Mark [Herring] has a proven record of commitment to supporting service members, veterans and their families. As a state Senator, Mark has served as co-chair of the General Assembly’s Virginia National Guard Caucus. He sponsored legislation that exempts payments to individuals from the Virginia Military Family Relief Fund from state income tax. And, he championed the Virginia Military Parents Equal Protection Act in 2008, which protects military parents from losing important child custody and visitation rights as a result of their deployment.”

*Herring’s plan will provide “access to resources for service members and their families during deployment.” That includes “a new veterans’ hotline…[which] will allow service members and their families to call the Attorney General’s office to seek help on problems with state or federal benefits.”

*In addition, Herring’s plan will increase funding for the Virginia Military Family Relief Fund, and will “aggressively enforce Virginia’s existing consumer protection laws, partnering with veterans and consumer advocacy groups to identify scammers and taking swift, decisive action to hold them accountable.”

*Herring’s plan will focus on “easing the transition back home,” by “ensuring health and mental health needs are addressed, making job training and placement a priority, and assisting with any outstanding legal issues returning service members may have.”

Great stuff. Clearly, the choice for Virginia veterans on November 5th is Mark Herring for Attorney General. Go Mark (Herring, not Obenshain)! 🙂


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