Home National Politics Shutdown Severely Harming GOP Incumbents; Frank Wolf in Danger of Being Ousted?!?

Shutdown Severely Harming GOP Incumbents; Frank Wolf in Danger of Being Ousted?!?


It’s really amazing; House Republicans are so hell bent on stopping the EVIL EVIL EVIL “Obamacare” (note: the Afffordable Care Act is actually based heavily on conservative, Republican ideas like the “individual mandate,” but whatever…roll with it Republicans!) that they’re willing to destroy the country AND their own party in the process. Latest case in point? Rep. Frank Wolf (VA-10), who masquerades as a “moderate” when he’s voted for just about every Teahadist bill the past few years. That includes, yes, shutting down the government. What has this accomplished, other than hurting a lot of people in his district? Check out this new PPP poll to see how Wolf’s faring politically.

*Wolf’s approval/disapproval rating is not good, at just 42% approve vs. 38% disapprove. That’s seriously bad news for a long-time incumbent like Wolf.

*If the election were held today, Wolf is TIED with a generic Democratic opponent, 45%-45%.

*Actually, it’s even worse than that: once voters know that Wolf supported the government shutdown, he TRAILS a generic Democratic opponent by 4 points (42%-46%). Ouch!

*Voters in Wolf’s district are not fans of the Tea Party, to put it mildly, with just 32% viewing the Tea Party favorably vs. 58% who view it unfavorably.

*Voters in Wolf’s district also overwhelmingly (2:1 margins) OPPOSE shutting down the government and/or threatening to not increase the nation’s debt ceiling.

What’s really amazing to me, as someone who’s tried to inform people of Wolf’s districts for years about what a wingnut he’s become, is that voters’ eyes now FINALLY seem to be opening to what Wolf has morphed into. Previously, it was just about impossible to convince 10th CD voters that Wolf wasn’t the “good guy”/”moderate” they thought he was (and that he used to be, long long ago). Now, though, that may have all changed. Nice job, Republicans – in addition to trashing the United States, you’re also hell bent on losing control of the House of Representatives next November (not to mention having no chance of winning the White House in 2016).

P.S. The Republican self-immolation strategy could  claim its first victims in just over 3 weeks, right here in Virginia, if the “extreme team” of Cuccinelli/Jackson/Obenshain go down to defeat. Let’s make it happen!


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