Home 2019 Elections Washington Post Poll: McAuliffe 51%-Cuccinelli 39%-Sarvis 8%

Washington Post Poll: McAuliffe 51%-Cuccinelli 39%-Sarvis 8%


I’ve certainly got no complaints about this poll! 🙂

Democrat Terry McAuliffe has opened a double-digit lead over Republican Ken Cuccinelli II in the race for Virginia governor, in a new poll capturing increasing dissatisfaction among voters with Cuccinelli’s party and his conservative views.

According to a new Washington Post-Abt SRBI poll, McAuliffe tops Cuccinelli 51 percent to 39 percent among likely voters in the Nov. 4 election. McAuliffe led by eight percentage points in a poll taken last month. Libertarian Robert Sarvis, who has capitalized on voter unrest with the two major party candidates, is at 8 percent, according to the new poll.


McAuliffe’s strong position also could boost Democrats’ chances of sweeping statewide offices for the first time in a quarter-century – and make substantial gains in the GOP-dominated House of Delegates. According to the poll, the race for lieutenant governor is equally lopsided for the Democrat, while the Democratic candidate for attorney general is just three points ahead of the Republican – within the margin of error.

For LG, Ralph Northam leads corrupt extremist wackjob E.W. Jackson 52%-39%, while Mark Herring leads Mark “votes like Jackson and Cuccinelli talk” Obenshain 49%-46%. Clearly, according to this poll, this race is all coming down to the AG’s race (and also how many seats Dems are able to pick up in the House of Delegates). Having just come from an enthusiastic rally of around 800 people in Herndon, at which the importance of GOTV (“get out the vote”) was pounded into our heads, I urge everyone to remind your anti-“extreme team” friends, family, coworkers, etc. to make sure they vote in 8 days (November 5). Thanks, and go Dems!


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