Home 2019 Elections Part-Time AG Cuccinelli Should Apologize for Bilking Taxpayers

Part-Time AG Cuccinelli Should Apologize for Bilking Taxpayers


Today the Virginian-Pilot confirmed what many Virginians already suspected: Virginians are paying Ken Cuccinelli $150,000 to run for governor full-time and do his job-part time. 

As the Pilot reported:

“A Virginian-Pilot analysis of Cuccinelli's office and campaign schedules for July, August and part of September suggests he has spent more time on the trail than behind his desk while earning a $150,000 annual state salary, plus health benefits for his nine-member family.

“According to the schedules, he was in his office seven of 22 work days in July, four of 22 days in August, and just three of nine the first two weeks of September. That equates to roughly 26 percent of the total work days over that period.”

Democratic Party of Virginia spokesman Brian Coy responded to these revelations saying, “Ken Cuccinelli’s rhetoric about cutting spending rings hollow coming from a politician who is forcing Virginians to pay him 100% of his salary while he only shows up 26% of the time.

“No one anywhere in this Commonwealth who could keep his or her job if they only showed up one-quarter of the time, but Ken Cuccinelli is taking it a step further and asking the people he’s bilking for a promotion. He should apologize for putting his own personal agenda ahead of Virginia families yet again.”

To read today’s front-page Virginian-Pilot story click here.


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