Home National Politics Video: President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act

Video: President Obama Speaks on the Affordable Care Act


Look, this situation with the rollout of the healthcare.gov website and the issue of people being told by their insurance companies that their plans have been canceled clearly isn’t good. With regard to the website, it obviously has to be made to work properly, and soon – no two ways about that one. Fortunately, it appears that this will be accomplished, the only question being how quickly. On the second issue, I believe that President Obama addressed it forthrightly in this press conference. The explanation of what’s going on with this made a great deal of sense to me, and reassured me that President Obama was speaking honestly, based on everything he understood at the time, when he promised that Americans could keep their health care plans if they liked them. It’s a long press conference, but I’d say well worth watching, as it’s one of the most important – if not THE most important – of Barack Obama’s entire presidency.


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