Home 2019 Elections Grading the 8th CD Dem Campaigns’ Efforts to Help Alan Howze Win...

Grading the 8th CD Dem Campaigns’ Efforts to Help Alan Howze Win Tomorrow


With polls opening tomorrow at 6 am, there’s still a bit more time in the Arlington County Board race, so the following grades could change with a strong effort on election day (tomorrow). But for now, here are grades for the 8th CD Democratic campaigns’ efforts on behalf of Arlington County Board Democratic nominee Alan Howze, based on information I’ve been provided by Arlington Democratic insiders/officials…

Patrick Hope: A+ (by far and away the most canvassers and “turfs” covered, plus email blasts, etc. – great job!)

Lavern Chatman: B (second to Hope in terms of canvassers and “turfs”; not sure if her campaign has helped in any other way)

Don Beyer: B (has reportedly been helpful in a variety of ways, including canvassing tough precincts, phone banking and voter targeting; hopefully will do more on election day itself)

Adam Ebbin: C+ (Provided 2 canvassers who covered 2 “turfs”)

Mark Levine: C (Provided 1 canvasser covering 1 “turf;” reportedly will be helping on election day as well)

Derek Hyra: C- (Provided 1 canvasser who covered 1 “turf”)

Bruce Shuttleworth: D+ (Provided 1 canvasser who covered 1 “turf;” marked down because this is NOT impressive for someone from Arlington who ran for Congress previously)

Bill Euille: F (Absolutely nothing, also no explanation or response. Total #FAIL. Not a sign of a campaign firing on all cylinders or that cares about Arlington, to put it mildly.)

Charniele Herring: F (Absolutely nothing, also no explanation or response. Total #FAIL. Also inexcusable for the former DPVA Chair! Not a sign of a campaign firing on all cylinders or that cares about Arlington, to put it mildly.)

Satish Korpe: F (Nothing whatsoever. Total #FAIL. Not a sign of a campaign firing on all cylinders or that cares about Arlington, to put it mildly.)

By the way, there’s still time for the poorly-graded campaigns to redeem themselves, if they work really hard to GOTV tomorrow!


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