Mark Levine for Congress


    In Congress as in real estate, never underestimate LOCATION-LOCATION-LOCATION. Jim Moran, Steny Hoyer, Chris Van Hollen, Eric Cantor and Gerry Connolly have outsized political impact because they are immediately and personally available to the media and to the leaders of government agencies. Cantor and Van Hollen only had to “wait” until their SECOND TERMS to quickly capture leadership roles. Combined with their talents to excel, local Congressmen leverage proximity to power into political leadership for district, Nation and party.

    One of the (many) reasons I ran against Frank Wolf in 2010 was the fact he squandered this advantage despite 30 years of seniority.

    Of the seven candidates for the Democratic nomination in Virginia’s 8th Congressional District, who can seize this opportunity? Who has the proven media savvy and public leadership to grab the bully pulpit and immediately trumpet issues vital to the 8th District and national Democrats?

    Mark Levine is head and shoulders above the other candidates in articulating and communicating the Progressive agenda and the priorities of the 8th District. While each candidate has merit, only Mark can exploit media to go over the heads of his colleagues and speak directly to their constituents. Mark can win battles in the committee rooms of Congress AND in the districts of other members.  Mark can sell Progressive positions to voters in other parts of the country who only hear one side of the story.

    Mark has many strengths — as do all candidates for the Democratic nomination in the 8th. But Mark’s ability to exploit LOCATION to advance the interests of the 8th and the Democratic Party is unique. Like Elizabeth Warren, Mark can stand up to the Cantor’s, LaPierre’s, O’Reilly’s, Hannity’s and Limbaugh’s of the media and political worlds with succinct and compelling messages that penetrate and convince. This immense advantage and massive opportunity translates into immediate political power.  

    Due to redistricting, thousands of voters now in the 8th Congressional District voted for me in the 10th in 2010. I recommend Mark Levine for your vote on June 10th.

    Jeff Barnett


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