Home 2022 Elections BREAKING: Del. Lamont Bagby Dropping Out of VA04 Democratic Nomination Race, Endorsing...

BREAKING: Del. Lamont Bagby Dropping Out of VA04 Democratic Nomination Race, Endorsing Jennifer McClellan

Go McClellan!


Big news in the VA04 Democratic race: Del. Lamont Bagby is reported to be dropping out of the race, leaving two main contenders – Sen. Jennifer McClellan and Sen. Joe Morrissey – for the nomination this coming Tuesday. So, obviously, every VA04 Democrat should: a) vote, especially considering that whoever wins this nomination will likely represent them for many years to come!; b) vote for Jennifer McClellan, because she is superb and, of course, an infinitely better choice than Joe Morrissey, who spends much of his time courting Trump/MAGA voters and has even been urging Republicans to come vote for him in the Democratic “firehouse primary.” So yeah, GO JENNIFER MCCLELLAN!


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