What If the Tea Party Were Black?


    As I listen to the over-the-top rages and read the subversive signs or hear the threats of violence that continue unabated, which have never been disowned by the leaders of the Republican Party (indeed, have been encouraged)—– I’ve asked myself the same question: What if all this was emanating from The Black Tea Party? Hat tip to CrooksandLiars .  Lyrics below the fold

    What if the tea party was black

    Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back

    If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity

    And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families

    If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah

    Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers

    Yall know if the tea party was black

    The government would have been had the army attack

    What if Michael Baisden was on ya FM dial

    For 3 hours every day calling the president foul

    Would they say free speech or find evidence how

    To charge him with treason like see he’s unamerican now

    What if Minister Farrakhan prayed for the death

    Of the commander in chief that he be laid to rest

    Would they treat it as the gravest threat or never make an arrest

    Even today he’s still hated for less

    What if President Obama would have lost the election

    Quit his job so he could go talk to the left and

    Bash the government for being off of direction

    Fraught with deception

    And told black people they want all of our weapons

    And we want our own country and called for secession

    Would he be arrested and tossed in corrections

    For trying to foster aggression

    Against the people’s lawful selection

    Our questions

    What if the tea party was black

    Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back

    If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity

    And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families

    If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah

    Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers

    Yall know if the tea party was black

    The government would have been had the army attack

    What If black people went on Facebook and made a page

    That for the death if the president elect we prayed

    Would the creators be tazed and thrown in a cage

    We know the page wouldn’t have been displayed all these days

    What if Jeremiah Wright said that everybody white

    Wasn’t a real America would you feel scared of him

    If he had a militia with pictures that depict the president as Hitler

    They would kill and bury that


    What if Cynthia McKinney lamented the winning of the new president

    And hinted he wasn’t really a true resident

    With no proof or evidence

    Would the media treat it like a huge press event

    They would have attacked whatever group she represents

    They would have called her a kook on precedent

    And any network that gave her due preference

    Would be the laughing stock of the news so our question is

    What if the tea party was black

    Holding guns like the Black Panther Party was back

    If Al was Rush Limbaugh and Jesse was Sean Hannity

    And Tavis was Glenn Beck would they harm they families

    If Sarah Palin was suddenly Sistah Soaljah

    Would they leave it with the votes or go and get the soldiers

    Yall know if the tea party was black

    The government would have been had the army attack


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