DCCC Pulls Massive Ad Buy For Foust


    Roll Call is reporting that the DCCC The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has canceled its television advertising campaign in  VA-10 to promote John Foust and will shift most of that money to help an incumbent in northern California.  

    The sum of the DCCC’s cancellation in Virginia’s 10th District was $2.8 million, according to the source. Democrats were on the offensive in the open-seat race to replace retiring Rep. Frank R. Wolf, R-Va.

    Across the country, three GOP outside groups have inundated California’s 7th District in recent days with more than $1 million in ad buys each: American Crossroads, and sister organizations Congressional Leadership Fund and American Action Network.

    In response, the DCCC  has authorized at least $2 million in spending in the Sacramento-based district, the party source said. Freshman Democratic Rep. Ami Bera is being challenged by Republican ex-Rep. Doug Ose.

    This is horrible news and a betrayal by the DCCC.  It was the DCCC who begged Foust to run and cutting this ad buy in one of the few races the DCCC is playing offense makes no sense.  Even if the lost the seat in CA-07, they would win the seat back in 2016.  If they lose VA-10 this fall, it will be really tough to win it back.  

    Th is really disapointing.



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