Home 2024 Elections Live Blog: After Skipping Several Other Debates, Far-Right-Republican Hung Cao Finally Debates...

Live Blog: After Skipping Several Other Debates, Far-Right-Republican Hung Cao Finally Debates Sen. Tim Kaine (at 7 pm Tonight)


Tonight, finally, Sen. Tim Kaine will have the opportunity to debate his Republican challenger, Hung Cao.  I say “finally,” because there could have been several debates by now, but Cao kept backing out of them. For instance, see TODAY’S THE DAY Hung Cao Was Supposed To Debate, But He Isn’t “because he is trying to hide from Virginia voters” from July, when Cao “refused to commit to the Virginia Bar Association debate, which is a longstanding tradition in Virginia politics.” Also see Sen. Tim Kaine Campaign Statement On Hung Cao Skipping The Northern Virginia Chamber Debate And AARP Forum from August 19, when the Kaine campaign wrote that “the Northern Virginia Chamber of Commerce/NBC4 and AARP had to cancel their respective Senate debate and forum because the Cao campaign informed them that he refused to participate,” adding:

“As is tradition, Senator Kaine accepted four invitations for debates and candidate forums in different regions of the Commonwealth. He is disappointed that his opponent has refused to participate in the first three. But he isn’t surprised—his opponent skipped 12 of 13 candidate forums during the GOP primary.

“Senator Kaine looks forward to appearing with his opponent in Norfolk on October 2 to talk about his record of standing up for Virginians and describing his ongoing work to create high-quality jobs, reduce health care costs, protect reproductive freedom, and support our military families and veterans.”

So now we’ve reached October 2, and FINALLY we’re going to get a U.S. Senate debate – the only one, thanks to Hung Cao refusing to participate in any others. I’ll embed video if I can, as well as highlights/a “live blog” (note: if you want to watch the video, here are some links, including DC News Now, WAVY-TV 10, WRIC-TV and WFXR-TV). Also, for some background on Cao, see Video: DPVA Chair Susan Swecker, Rep. Jennifer McClellan (D-VA04), Del. Cia Price Call Out Hung Cao’s Dangerous Anti-Choice Agenda; Hung Cao Endorses Trump’s Plan To Decimate Virginia’s Economy And Federal Workforce ; Washington Post: Cao Calls To “Chop Off The Head” Of Senior Federal Law Enforcement Leadership, Threatens Virginia Jobs; After Hung Cao Argues That Voters Want “Hard Men,” “Alpha Males,” “Meat Eaters,” Sen. Tim Kaine’s Communications Director Responds, “‘Hard men’ don’t duck debates”; Video: Likely 2024 VA GOP US Senate Nominee Hung Cao “flips out when someone from Southwest Virginia confronts him about his ‘podunk’ comments”; Meet Hung Cao, Endorsed by Donald Trump, and Now the Likely 2024 VA GOP Nominee for US Senate (“Cao compares abortion to the Holocaust, thinks “wiccans have taken over parts of California” and “we can’t let that happen in Virginia”); etc. In sum, Cao is off the far-right deep end, also just about everything he says is either a lie, distortion or flat-out bonkers. So keep that in mind as you watch the debate…

Question #1 is about the Port of Virginia and the strike by the ILA, specifically what a “good deal would look like.” Cao calls it a “boycott” for some reason, then starts asking whether you’re better off than you were four years ago (the answer, obviously, is yes, given how horrible things were four years ago at this time). Cao then starts ranting about “illegal aliens,” inflation, “the hurricane that’s going on right now,” “Joe Biden’s on the beach,” “Sen. Tim Kaine’s at a pig roast,” etc, etc. totally not answering the question about the Port of Virginia and the ILA strike. Bizarre as always.  In stark contrast, Sen. Kaine said Cao “didn’t answer the question.” Kaine said he’s working on “narrowing the differences” between the longshoremen and their employer. Kaine said four years ago “we were in the middle of COVID,” “you couldn’t find toilet paper on shelves,” etc, etc.

Question #2 is about the Middle East, whether the US should go on offense against Iran. Sen. Kaine says he’s not in favor of another war in the Middle East, but is “rock-solid, pro-Israel defense.” Says his opponent wanted a pause on all military aid to Israel, adds “we need to support our allies.” Blames Trump for tearing up the Iran nuclear deal. Says the US shouldn’t let anyone drag us into another war in the Middle East.  Meanwhile, Cao says “there should be no mercy” against Hamas, Hebzollah or the Houthis; claims Iran is “emboldened” because they supposedly have “all the money in the world” now (huh?). Claims (falsely) we haven’t given Israel weapons they need. Falsely claims there is “weakness in White House” and the Senate and that’s why Iran’s doing what it’s doing. Total bulls***.

Question #3 is on inflation, asks for a specific proposal to bring down costs. Cao starts talking about how we need energy independence, completely ignoring the fact that US energy production is at all-time highs and that we are a net EXPORTER of energy! Cao then starts mocking solar and wind power, because…of course he did. Moron.

Question #4 is whether Cao would support Trump’s tariffs. Cao rambles about the Inflation Reduction Act, “green energy,” “tax other countries bringing in goods” (which, of course, is a tax on AMERICANS!). Kaine says Virginians don’t like being misled, noting that America is producing more domestic energy than at any time in the nation’s history, that it’s making a huge difference in the Hampton Roads are. “We are the energy leaders in the world.” As for inflation, Kaine correctly points out that COVID was a sledgehammer to the world economy, but now inflation’s coming down, the economy’s recovered, etc. Kaine advocates relief for student loan debt, investment in green energy, etc.

Question #5 is on “price gouging”: Kaine points out that both Youngkin and Miyares have come out against price gouging. Says we should look at instances of price gouging, NOT embrace Trump tariffs, which would be a “massive tax” on Americans, says his opponent seems to think Trump tariff plan makes great sense.

Question #6 is on housing costs/affordability: Kaine talks about expanding the low-income-housing tax credit, which he strongly supports; also supports federal assistance for downpayments for those buying their first homes; lower mortgage rates are helpful. Says changing landlord-tenant laws to reduce eviction rates also makes sense; take measures to make sure there’s no veteran homelessness. Cao starts ranting about “illegal aliens” yet again – what the hell does that have to do about affordable housing??? Nutjob. Says “they” (who is “they”) want to push you out of ownership of your home. Huh??? Cao doesn’t specifically answer the question, despite the moderator’s attempts to get him to do so.

Question #6 is on “mass deportation”: Cao says immigration is “near and dear to my heart,” says you’ve got to obey the law, “if you come here illegally, you’ve got to leave” (so yeah, sounds like he supports mass deportation), “you’re screwing up the whole system.” Blows off “violence and unrest” that could result from mass deportation, says “it’s already happening.” Huh??? Nutjob/extremist. As for Sen. Kaine, he says Cao is in favor of the mass deportation of more than 10 million people, “which would devastate the economy.” Says he supports strong immigration policy, comprehensive immigration reform, border security, etc., but the Republicans keep killing the legislation. Says he’s never supported amnesty. Says CBO and others have found that  immigration reform would increase the GDP, help grow the economy.

Question #7 is on reparations for slavery.  Sen. Kaine says Sen. Booker has a bill to look at this question, thinks the best thing we can do to eliminate persistent inequities is to focus on education, including HBCUs. Cao says “our country needs to heal” and we can’t heal if we keep “picking at the scabs.” Alrighty. Says “education is the only equalizer.” Kaine says Cao also wants to abolish the Department of Education. Cao then admits he wants to do so, falsely claiming the federal government “screws up everything they touch.” Kaine says leaving education to the states was what led to segregation. “You can’t leave education just to the states” and “we don’t want to go back.” So true!

Question #8 is on DEI and military recruting: Cao rants about “watching Afghanistan fall,” again talks about some undefined/vague “they” doing bad things (who the hell knows) and an “experimental vaccine.” HUH??? Again, Cao didn’t even come close to the answer the question. Then, when pressed, ranted about “drag queens,” “alpha males and alpha females.” WTF??? This guy is completely bonkers. Sen. Kaine responds that he didn’t understand Cao’s argument, that he was all over the place (Kaine’s being diplomatic). Kaine explained that many don’t want to serve in the military these days because they don’t understand the many benefits that come with military service, because we need innovative programs to help people pass the physicals, etc. “DEI is a red herring.” In fact, people aren’t serving because they don’t believe military service will advance the rest of their life, so we need to do a better job to talk about the GI Bill, the tremendous leadership training you get in the military, etc.

Question #9 is on gun violence/gun laws in America: Kaine says he doesn’t support mandatory buybacks, DOES support reasonable limitations such as comprehensive background checks at the federal level. Says the worst day of his life was the Virginia Tech shootings when he was governor. Cao says “you can’t legislate morality” and “no new law is going to stop” someone who wants to shoot up a school or try to asssassinate a former president. Cao attacks Kaine for wanting to restrict people from owning guns, then segues into – yep, attacking illegal immigrants.

Question #10 is on student debt relief: Sen. Kaine taks about public service loan forgiveness, says that’s a powerful strategy to provide an incentive for people to go into public service professions – and he strongly supports that for being both a very worthy cause and good for the economy. Cao spews out highly misleading statistics about the cost of college, doesn’t respond specifically to the question other than that people should go into the military. Kaine said when he was governor, Virginia was named the best state in the country to raise a child, to do business, etc. Cao keeps asking why Kaine hasn’t fixed everything, basically, then falsely claims Kaine hasn’t passed bills, says “never go against an Asian when it comes to math.” WTF??? Yes, Cao is completely bonkers.

Question #11 is on funding for HBCUs: Cao claims he supports that, despite wanting to get rid of the Dept. of Education, etc. Kaine says he’s battled for HBCU funding his entire career. Calls Cao’s position on abolishing the Dept. of Education “an extreme position.”

Question #12 is on childcare costs: Kaine says he has a bipartisan proposal to put money back in parents’ pockets, expanding the child tax credit (which Cao and other Republicans opposed). Kaine says there are savings we can get, such as with prescription drug price negotiations, to help pay for other priorities like childcare; adds that Cao opposes that.

Question #13 is on IVF: Cao says private insurance should cover the cost of IVF, claims he’s “pro-family.” Cao then starts ranting about MedicareX and “single payer”/”government-run healthcare.” Alrighty. Kaine says Cao would support a national bill that establishes that life begins at conception, no restrictions, which would dramatically restrict women’s reproductive rights, including contraception and IVF. Kaine says insurance policies should mandate coverage for IVF servides, subject to the same rules – deductibles and copays – as other things.  Says Cao has demonized women and doctors, comparing them to Nazis and bomb makers, calls that outrageous. Cao says he won’t “sign any bill” to ban abortion (of course he wouldn’t “sign” a bill – he’d be a US Senator, not president!). Cao falsely claims Kaine has an extreme position on abortion, up to/after birth which is WILDLY false. Just disgusting. Kaine says he wants to codify Roe v Wade. Says he supports restrictions already law in Virginia.

Question #14 about certifying the presidential election: Cao claims he isn’t a threat to democracy, talks about how he’s fought to defend democracy. Goes back to ranting about the southern border, protests on campuses where students shout “death to America.” Kaine says he’ll certify the result, just as he did in 2016, when he didn’t try to inspire an attack on the Capitol. Says Cao has taken the position that those who attacked the Capitol on 1/6/21 should not be prosecuted but *compensated*!

CLOSING STATEMENTS: Cao says “this country’s taken a dark turn” and implies that America is turning into communist Vietnam. Kaine asks if you want results or extremism, cites his record of success and Virginia “leading the way.”


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